Title: Failure to Realize
Pairings/Characters: Hisagi Shuuhei, Komamura Sajin, mentions of Tousen Kaname, no pairings
Warnings: angst
Spoilers: all the way through manga chapter 315 and the flashback gaiden
Rating: PG
word count: 1524
Prompt: hollow
Written for: Week #22
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Comments 20
that right there....wow that is so IC I really liked this and I want to say thank you...it is odd I know I could have read this earlier as I am on your f-list but it was almost like i needed it now...LOL...This fic helped me realize someone for my own writing so thank you!
It's so nice to know that reading this now was helpful to you. And comments at any time are always love. :D
Is it a good thing to say that this fic shows you're a little experienced yourself? :D I can't imagine a fourteen-year old -- no matter how intelligent -- writing something this introspective. It's hard to fake maturity for an older character, since it's the type of thing that has to come from the author.
Wow, so rambly of me, but I hope you know what I mean <3
My experience also demanded it be written in first person. I tried to work it in third person and just couldn't make it feel the same. So, yes I believe you're right, it probably was much easier for me to write this than for a 14 year old to fake it.
That being said, this is actually one of my very favorite pieces still. So I am nearly ecstatic with joy that you liked it. Thank you.
water from my eyes...and sniff around...
withal the undramatic style of writing and the
plain and dull narrative style, what reflacts
perfectly Kiras mood and thinking style...
that really took me in it so deeple I really can
feel how he feels and I really was able to put myself in his sad position...
Also Komamura Taicho is shwon exact. His own pain what he
blanks out just to support Shuuhei and help him go on...
So all in all its a lovely fic and I enjoyed that it
took me a little time away from my headaches about my espanol report...very nice ^^
I'm so happy you enjoyed this story and it was able to capture your attention enough to hold your headache and your report at bay. XD
Thanks again for your reading and leaving such kind remarks. :D
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