Gen SG1 fic (Kidfic, Little Daniel) X Is For Xipe Totec

Dec 02, 2016 12:04

Little Daniel fic written for sg_fignewton's Alphabet Soup for Gen Fic Day

X Is For Xipe Totec )

gen fic, sg1 gen fic, sg 1 kidfic

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Comments 2

sg_fignewton December 15 2016, 09:50:19 UTC
Oh, Daniel. Museums will always be a minefield, won't they? Also, don't museum admins ever learn not to make wobbly exhibits? :) At least they're hopefully intelligent enough not to stand underneath massive slabs of rock. Claire and Melburn, you raised a wonderful child, but that's Darwin Awards thinking.

I really like this line:

He’d gone from being Jack’s best friend to being for all intents and purposes Jack’s son, a role Jack had come to love even while he missed the man Daniel had once been.

It's one of the things that baffle me most about kidfic: doesn't Jack want his best friend back? I'm glad you addressed this.

Thanks so much for participating!


annieb1955 December 15 2016, 09:58:03 UTC
Thank you so much. I agree with you about the thing about kidfic. I wrote a little story called Winter a few years back that deals with just that - how Jack feels once his Little Daniel grows up and how Daniel feels about it. Yes, Clare and Melburn standing under that huge slab makes me wince every time I rewatch The Gamekeeper. LOL Thanks again, Fig, and for organizing all this again too.


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