New The Sentinel gen fic" Bygones"

Nov 08, 2016 16:39

Written for a themefic challenge on Sentinelangst with the prompt: What happened to Jim's Mom?"
Many thanks to devra_01 for the alpha read and to alynt for the quick beta. I fiddled with it after she finished so any remaining errors are my fault. Hope you enjoy it though. Been so long since I've written anything I felt quite rusty and can only hope it's ( Read more... )

2016, the sentinel gen, challenges, fanfic, blair sandburg, jim ellison

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Comments 5

brumeier November 8 2016, 17:16:39 UTC
Welcome back!! ::hugs:: It's so nice to see you!

And you come bearing fic! Which is even better. ::nods:: This is really good. I love the easy camaraderie between Jim and Blair, and of course Blair dramatically rescuing Jim. (His poor head!) I'm glad that Blair forced the issue, and gave Jim a chance to get some closure with his mother. If he could make amends with his dad, he certainly owes it to himself to do the same with his mom. He has enough unresolved issues.

Thanks so much for sharing this!


annieb1955 November 8 2016, 20:23:06 UTC
Thank you so much. It's lovely to be back. Hope I can continue on now. Thanks so much too for the kind comments on this too. I just couldn't see Blair letting it go that easily.


stargatesg1971 November 12 2016, 11:24:07 UTC
I love the angle you've taken in this and adore the interaction between Jim and Blair, so them. I do hope that whatever transpires between Jim and his mom will end happily. I adored the fact that Blair pointed out Williams' faults as a way to 'guide' Jim into being more open-minded. I don't suppose we'll ever get to see the conversation between the two will we? This is a great base for more if you're up to dabbling in this further but it works perfectly well on its own too, I'm just being greedy for more LOL.


annieb1955 November 13 2016, 06:04:34 UTC
Oh thanks so much, Beth!! It was just something I could see "fair-minded" Blair doing. You know, "you gave your dad and brother a second chance"... I actually would love to write something and bring Jim's whole family together in it eventually. I am getting back to writing so hopefully never say never LOL I see you have icons up too so I'll definitely be checking those out tomorrow.


stargatesg1971 November 13 2016, 08:59:46 UTC
You're welcome. I look forward to reading more in this verse if the muse decides to play ball.


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