A Stranger From the Storm4 The Sentinel gen fic

Nov 05, 2013 15:24

Hope you enjoy this chapter. More soon.

chapter4 )

ts gen, a stranger from the storm

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Comments 13

pattrose November 5 2013, 05:25:55 UTC
Poor Blair. Poor Jim. Poor everyone that is trying to help. And bless Joel for being so kind and patient. :) That's our Joel. I really like this series and can't wait for the next part already. No rest for the wicked. *grin* Thanks for the read, Annie. :)


annieb1955 November 5 2013, 05:45:26 UTC
Thanks, Patt. So glad you like it. Yes, I think Joel is a sweetie.


finlaure November 5 2013, 17:44:50 UTC
I see a lot of time before Blair comes out from under the influence that he has been in. Good Chapter! keep them coming!


annieb1955 November 5 2013, 19:01:55 UTC
Yes, I can't imagine it's going to be easy for either of them. Thanks for continuing to read.


cernicalo8909 November 5 2013, 17:45:33 UTC
Poor Blair -- and poor Jim! They have such a long road ahead of them. Hopefully, the stay at the cabin will help. I'm really enjoying this intriguing story. Thank you!


annieb1955 November 5 2013, 19:02:30 UTC
Thanks so much.


hawk_soaring November 5 2013, 22:14:14 UTC
Aw, this broken Blair makes my heart ache.


annieb1955 November 5 2013, 22:25:23 UTC
Mine too. Seems strange to think of a Blair who's not constantly chattering. Thanks for reading xx


stoneygirl77 November 6 2013, 01:30:59 UTC
Oh my poor Blair. He truly is the King of PTSD. He just does it so well. Actually, I guess writers like you do it so well. :) Loved the latest chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Take care of you too. HUGS!!


annieb1955 November 6 2013, 02:35:30 UTC
Thanks so much.. I've taken to calling this the "poor pitiful Blair" WiP LOL


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