Well, of course it's the secksay that got me giggling like a loon at work, where I was trying to read this on my iPhone without tipping off my cow-orkers, because they'd bust my ass for it and I'd rather they'd just kiss it instead. :P
Loved the Dandy kiss, and the side-by-side fucking was all NNNNNGH.
Andy is SO David's boyfriend. The sooner he realizes it, the better off we'll all be. *nods*
Dude, this was AWESOME. Like, fucking AWESOME. Like... THAT MUCH FUCKING AWESOME *gesturing with hands*
The flashback were so great!
Andy had climbed into bed behind him and slung an arm around his waist, not saying a word.
This relationship sounds so complex, yet this situation, this simple gesture Andy did sounds so natural... Like he doesn't even need to think about it.
But Andy didn’t go anywhere and suddenly David feels lips pressed against the back of his neck. His fingers skip across the strings as he misses his notes and the girls in the front row cheer. In an instant the moment is over and Andy’s back front and center, singing his heart out. “Make me fall for you…”
SQUEEEEEE!!! I love that song. And it's absolutely perfect for this memory. Absolutely perfect. I would LOVE to see David shudder under Andy's touch like that...
And that’s how he saw Andy’s face when he came. And that’s how he knows what Andy’s ‘O’ face looks like, too. And the next day when they were sober and the girls were gone they laughed and
( ... )
God, I fucking love you so much. (I totally should have taken advantage of you in you-know-where. Why did I let that opportunity pass by? Oh yeah, I didn't want to freak you out, LOL)
You said 'fuck' or some variation of the word SEVEN times in your comment. And I FUCKING LOVE YOU FOR IT. *L*
I'm glad you liked this chapter. You know how much I enjoy making you flail like a fish out of water. It brings me indescribable joy FOR SERIOUS.
And now I'm stuck on the next chapter. Expect a panicky email from me in a day or two ;)
Oooh...this is new, but somehow, I get the distinct impression that the two of us, in our poking-the-muses ways, could make a very, veeeery interesting tag-team against machka and annie. *evil grin* Watch out, girls - this could get interesting!!
I'm the resident fact-checker and canon-obsessive. If you're looking for specific facts, I can probably tell you if it exists. :P She merely asked for some biographical background for her own research. D'you really think I beta and tell? :P
Comments 58
OMG, Annie - I loved it!!!
Will return with more when I'm home from work, m'kay?
Loved the Dandy kiss, and the side-by-side fucking was all NNNNNGH.
Andy is SO David's boyfriend. The sooner he realizes it, the better off we'll all be. *nods*
But when will he realize it? That's what I'm trying to figure out.
And you know those band boys have banged their groupies side-by-side like that at least ONCE.
*nominates you to write it* :D
You can thank playingwithcake for that :)
apparently (according to her) I'm s'posed to talk to you about it, or Neal, or something. I'm not really sure. :P
and to think the three of them will be on tour together...whoa i feel sorry for the bus driver!
The flashback were so great!
Andy had climbed into bed behind him and slung an arm around his waist, not saying a word.
This relationship sounds so complex, yet this situation, this simple gesture Andy did sounds so natural... Like he doesn't even need to think about it.
But Andy didn’t go anywhere and suddenly David feels lips pressed against the back of his neck. His fingers skip across the strings as he misses his notes and the girls in the front row cheer. In an instant the moment is over and Andy’s back front and center, singing his heart out. “Make me fall for you…”
SQUEEEEEE!!! I love that song. And it's absolutely perfect for this memory. Absolutely perfect. I would LOVE to see David shudder under Andy's touch like that...
And that’s how he saw Andy’s face when he came. And that’s how he knows what Andy’s ‘O’ face looks like, too. And the next day when they were sober and the girls were gone they laughed and ( ... )
I'm glad somebody's not hopped up on cold meds like I am, and is able to write something more coherent than me. :)
You said 'fuck' or some variation of the word SEVEN times in your comment. And I FUCKING LOVE YOU FOR IT. *L*
I'm glad you liked this chapter. You know how much I enjoy making you flail like a fish out of water. It brings me indescribable joy FOR SERIOUS.
And now I'm stuck on the next chapter. Expect a panicky email from me in a day or two ;)
And since when do we have a "hijack the comments" party and no one invites me?? Dammit, I though you guys were my FRIENDS!! *pouts*
Actually, it's been kind of a long night (fam stuff with SIL) and this was JUST what I needed to come home to. Thanks, girls. :D
*tackleglomphs you*
*humps your leg*
I feel left out of the highjacking, too! But that's ok, we'll get our revenge soon. ;)
I'm the resident fact-checker and canon-obsessive. If you're looking for specific facts, I can probably tell you if it exists. :P She merely asked for some biographical background for her own research. D'you really think I beta and tell? :P
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