Title: Gravity Always Wins in the End
Author: Annerb
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After Sam is held hostage, Jack takes an impromptu trip to Atlantis.
Timeline: SGA Season 4, sometime before ‘Midway’
Categorization: H/C, SG-1/SGA Crossover, Sam/Jack
A/N: This fic has been eating my brain for months and I am very glad to finally start posting it! It pretty
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Comments 31
*reads, loves, re-reads*
Also, totally not online. Nope.
I don't read Sam/Jack ship.
I don't read SGA fic.
I don't read WIP.
annerbhp posts Part 1 of a WIP Sam/Jack fic set in Atlantis.
Me: rushes to click lj-cut.
I totally blame you! It's not your fault for being an awesome writer. But I blame you all the same! :-p
I love how you write Sam/Jack. Poor Sam. So broken. And she and Lorne. I like how Sheppard's trying to get the place straightened out. And Teyla has to translate Jackspeak to Sheppard! Heh. I love how Jack knows just where to go to find her quarters.
I ADORE how Ronon's been keeping guard on her. Yay you!
Muwhahaha. The whole world will love my OTP! :P
*happy sigh*
More ASAP...please.
Thanks for making my day, for cheering me up, thank you for this beautiful, delightful beginning. Thank you!
Really loved it, it's great, in character, nice depictions, really. I just need to read on.
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