Star Wars Fic Recs Masterlist

Mar 11, 2000 10:29

Four Walls and a Blaster by holdouttrout  (Star Wars, Leia, Han, AU)
Han left, and Leia couldn't fault him. What might have happened if he never came back at the battle of Yavin.
This is a great little glimpse into an AU where things don't go so well for the Rebellion at the end of the first movie. Leia is left to fight her own battles in the only way she can. This is the Leia I love, discovering her potential one painful atom at a time.

Your Contribution to the War Effort (A Mercenary's Guide) by threeguesses  (Star Wars, Han Solo, Han/Leia)
This fic is hilarious, touching, a bit bitter, and a lot wonderful. It follows an unusual format and style (the dreaded second person), but captures Han's self-deprecating wit so damn well as he chronicles his part in the rebellion. A must read.

A Thousand Pieces by motchi (Han/Leia)
This is a beautiful fic that follows through with the original trilogy, focusing primarily on the evolution of Leia. Not only is the writing evocative and lyrical and yet still spare, but the characterizations are right on.

Resolutions by Martha Wilson (Han/Leia)

Rumors of My Demise by dee (Obi-Wan/Padme)

Double Twist of Fate or a Melody by Thistlerose (Han/Leia)
Nice glimpse of post-ROTJ Han and Leia working out their places in each other's lives, and Leia's place with the Force.

fic rec: star wars

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