Star Trek Reboot Fic Rec Masterlist

Mar 11, 2000 10:28

Once Upon a Time by
igrockspock (Star Trek Reboot, Gen, Gaila, Chapel, Uhura)
Privacy and fairy tales are two concepts that don't translate well into Orion.
Oh man, this fic. This FIC! Gaila tries to adapt to living with a human roomate, and the two start off offending each other in their ignorance of differing customs and views, but end up with complete respect and understanding. Awesome fic.

Keep Your Powder Dry by
penknife (Star Trek Reboot, Gen, Gaila, Uhura)
Short little snippet written for the Awesome Ladies Ficathon. There are ladies being awesome. What more do you need to know?

More Honored in the Breach by penknife (Star Trek Reboot, Sarek/Amanda)
Three times Sarek and Amanda didn't quite follow Vulcan custom.
Amazing look at the courtship of these two awesome characters.

Five Times Gaila and Sulu Save Each Other by igrockspock  (Star Trek Reboot, Gaila/Sulu)
Even tough, independent people need saving once in awhile. Gaila and Sulu save each other from fears and insecurities, tarantulas and Starfleet ration bars, failed simulations and lost promotions. And space pirates. Twice.
I love this type of fic, following two people over long periods of time as their relationships develop, and how at the core, these two are just really good friends and the romance is the part that comes and goes, but that they always seem to gravitate back towards each other. Plus. Gaila. And space pirates. I find the Orion culture endlessly fascinating.

Shamash by igrockspock  (Amanda, Spock, Uhura, smidge of Spock/Uhura)
Amanda and Spock light Hannukah candles
There is nothing I love more than igrockspock 's Amanda. This is lovely and touching.

Logic Demands that You Take Off that Ridiculous Hat, Get Naked, and Come to Bed by igrockspock (Amanda Greyson/Sarek)
I love this look at Amanda from Sarek's point of view. I makes me believe in this pairing.

Caged Bird Singing  by igrockspock  (Giala, gen)
This is the backstory that makes Giala more than that green girl who slept with Kirk. Brittle, harsh, and lovely and hopeful all at the same time. Warning for sexual slavery.

Not Her Body, But Her Life by igrockspock  (Spock/Uhura, Amanda)
Spock tries to reconcile mourning his mother as a human, not a Vulcan. This is the fic that lingers. Short, but glorious, and pitch perfect. Makes me want to know Amanda.

Nobody to Help Me (But Myself) by igrockspock  (Christine Chapel, Kirk, Gen)
I don't know much about Christine Chapel, but this fic makes me love her. Not to mention the way Kirk is handled, the way I believe him as Captain in this fic, even with his specific personality carefully woven into it. It's great. Warning for attempted rape.

How Winona Kirk Fell in Love, Found Her Strength, and Healed a Relationship with Bread Pudding by igrockspock  (Winona/George, with lovely, lovely Winona raising a difficult son. Gah. I love igrockspock 's Winona like whoa, flawed, feisty, and fabulous)

Off the Old Block by peri_peteia  (Joanna McCoy)
I love this fic, the teenaged, angry Joanna visiting her dad, manipulating everyone around her, and finally realizing just what she's so angry about.

Not a Ghost Story by tosca1390  (Winona Kirk, Jim Kirk)
Life after George Kirk. How she fucks it up and how she doesn't. Absolutely amazing. (Who knew I could love a character so much who had like two minutes of screen time?)

Lot's Wife by fialleril  (Amanda)
Her last moments. Gorgeous.

The Years Pass Over You by ishie  (Star Trek, Amanda[/Sarek])
I could have danced all night (but only while high) by chaletian  (Star Trek, Winona [+team])
I remember, I remember, the house where I was born by chaletian  (Star Trek, Joanna McCoy)
You and I Are Born (Start Again, Start Again) by kitausu  (Star Trek, Winona, Winona/George)
Language Like Rain by raphaela667  (Star Trek, Amanda)
and keep your powder dry by penknife  (Star Trek, Gaila)
til i wake your ghost by walksbyherself  (Star Trek, Winona Kirk)

fic rec: star trek reboot

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