Just got back from another trip. I am hopelessly behind on flist and whatnot, but I'm uploading my pics and realizing just how often I take photos of things that only another fangirl would appreciate. At this point, my husband has stopped asking me when I start laughing and taking photos of random things on our trips. He just nods and says, "Fandom thing, right?" I think it's when he actually gets what's making me laugh that he gets annoyed. Lol. So here's a random selection from the last few years.
Finally! An easy to understand guide to fandom DOMIATION. All ur socks r belonging to me.
*sporfle* So it's not just me then?
jack_built peeps. Look what I found!
Please tell me I am not the only one to see this.
False advertising as it turns out. Bastards.
And Bruges seemed like such a nice city on the surface...