Title: What's in a Name?
Series: Not Quite Happily Ever After
annepackratWarnings: Rated T or PG-13, spoilers for movie and TV series, Two OCs in the form of Roy and Riza's children
Pairings: Roy / Riza, Past Hughes / Gracia
Disclaimer: FMA is created by Hiromu Arakawa and is distributed by Funimation, Viz and Square-Enix. Maes and Nicole Mustang
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Comments 10
And I can see Gracia having problems with it, but trying to keep going, as she does.
And Winry, so proper until she knows what she's doing.
Lovely little piece for me to start my work day with. Thanks for sharing.
I just love how Gracia and Winry can relate (and I hate it at the same time for them having to.)
"As it stands it's sometimes difficult for me to see a little blond boy happily calling out 'Winry'." *hugs Winry*
Mostly I just wanted to kill the movie makers for the ending. Great movie otherwise, and really, the end needn't be perfect cause that's unreal, but I'd really have liked to see the trio reunited. What bugs me most is the cause: a typical sequel bad guy who has never shown up beofre, but was supposedly there. And - if you were to look at it historically, it's even worse, cause we know nucleair bombs got develloped and used. :(
Looking at this outburst, I can only conclude I still wish harm upon whoever came up with all that for the movie, every time I read something with post-movie Winry. ^^;
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