Title: Every Chance
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: Hard R, possibly NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Fisting. Agnst. Loose POV.
Summary: In Azkaban, Sirius tries not to remember James...
Thanks to
summerborn and
onewavebreaks for the beta. All errors and awkwardness are the result of my ignoring them.
Every Chance )
Comments 13
Hmm. Actaully. Thinking about it - and this may sound like a strange thing for a slasher to say - but I love how you write *gayness*. Sometimes in a straight-forward way, sometimes complex, the sexuality of your characters is always compelling and nuanced and *real*.
Here, for example, James's gut-wrenchingly oblivious withdrawal:
"Sirius, come on," James said in his familiar placating voice. "What we had was fun, but it's not the basis for a family. Please, try to understand."
Followed by,
James smiled widely. "You could always start your own family, too, you know."
and I just-- oh, Sirius. *Ouch*.
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