Do not try to impress me with your magical browsing-related ads. On the off chance that you guess what I want to see in an ad, I will merely think you're a creeper.
I apologise sincerely! You don't understand! I'm just trying to do my best! I admit, I'm grasping at straws a little bit, but these advertising tactics seemed like my best, last hope to avoid being subjected to all that weird porn you keep looking up.
If you continue these shenanigans, I might just look at even weirder porn, just to punish you. You must behave yourself, or otherwise you will regret it. Remember the other day, when that gnat decided to go exploring within your innards? Remember how lovingly I dedicated myself to the task of removing this interloper? Your lack of gratitude disappoints me. Please do better.
Love, Anne.
P.S. Chrome can't even compete, due to the goddamn infinite adorability of Firefox's little fox logo.
Comments 3
I apologise sincerely! You don't understand! I'm just trying to do my best! I admit, I'm grasping at straws a little bit, but these advertising tactics seemed like my best, last hope to avoid being subjected to all that weird porn you keep looking up.
Love, your computer.
P.S Firefox? Tsch, you should get Chrome.
If you continue these shenanigans, I might just look at even weirder porn, just to punish you. You must behave yourself, or otherwise you will regret it. Remember the other day, when that gnat decided to go exploring within your innards? Remember how lovingly I dedicated myself to the task of removing this interloper? Your lack of gratitude disappoints me. Please do better.
Love, Anne.
P.S. Chrome can't even compete, due to the goddamn infinite adorability of Firefox's little fox logo.
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