Fun night, and a reminder that being a girl can be terrifying

Mar 31, 2016 03:32

The Maine killed it. Lead singer John, future hubby, was flawless as ever. My hearing is shot. Voice is gone from screaming like the fan girl I am.

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Comments 12

yesquite March 31 2016, 09:03:44 UTC
Sometimes I feel ashamed on behalf of the male gender. Some guys are very demonstrative toward women wearing "night on the town" clothing (not necessarily revealing but showing that they put some extra time into their appearance), some guys are not so demonstrative but steal glances and peaks where they can and store the mental images for later, and some guys just simply don't feel compelled to be so superficially attracted to someone. I'm the last one. Even if I find a girl attractive, and accentuated as such by her outfit, it just doesn't feel right for me to stare or tell myself that I'd "love to have a piece of that." It's just wrong. Of course I'm naturally a little shy and reserved and think it's really cheesy to say something that focuses on a girl's appearance just because she looks hot, but also I feel I want to know someone a little more than just what color hair they have or what their "size" is. Maybe it's just me, but guys who catcall or whistle or even just have thoughts of what they would want to do to a girl just by ( ... )


annapandawoo March 31 2016, 13:52:37 UTC
Thank you! It's not wrong or bad to look at someone and think they're attractive, but I don't understand why some people think it's okay to get in your personal space, say things they wouldn't (hopefully) say to the women in their lives, and continue when you're clearly uncomfortable. Personally, I don't mind the guys who steal glances and peaks, I usually find that the most flattering (it inflates my ego without being afraid).

It's okay, it's really fucking sad, but that's the norm, and I've gotten a little comfortable with being uncomfortable. I prefer not to think about that part too much, I don't want to make myself too paranoid to still go out.
Honestly, I can be impulsive, and make some pretty poor decisions. However, if I know I will be in a situation where that is a possibility, I will usually have a male friend or two out and about with me.


jumjumgirl March 31 2016, 09:42:53 UTC
I would've been so scared if I was you. :(

But no one would do that to me so I can't know what it'd be like.


annapandawoo March 31 2016, 13:57:57 UTC
I'll admit being young and pretty has gotten me a lot of good things, and I've taken advantage of it many times. But sometimes I really really wish looks didn't matter at all. Ideally, personality, (you know, the thing we can actually control) would be the top criteria.


cr0ssb0nes March 31 2016, 14:09:05 UTC
Glad you enjoyed the concert!

So sorry you had to go through that experience. It's terrifying & leaves you feeling like shit. I've had that happen to me a few times & I've gotten so angry. I too, usually just get the fuck out of the situation being around your same size and all. Also living in a small town & wondering about the chances of running into that individual again. And you never know how crazy the individual can be. I know one time as a teenager I did step up and swing at the dude who said suggestive words & grabbed my stomach, but I was with a group of friends so I felt like it was okay. I think I shocked the hell outta him.


annapandawoo March 31 2016, 16:50:47 UTC
It was awesome, my mid-2000's dreams came true, and the lead singer signed my chest. I can die happy now.

Me too, but I don't want to get angry and do something to antagonize someone without some kind of back up. I'm mad, not suicidal! Oh god, that's happened to you in a small town? Thankfully, the scarier stuff has only happened to me in bigger cities, or places I will most likely never be at again.

That's awesome! I need my friends to be there when that happens. I've taken a swing at a few guys, but I knew them, knew they wouldn't kill me, and they were being drunk, stupid, and handsey.


kathish March 31 2016, 15:03:54 UTC

Seriously can't go out on a walk on my own in New York for a day without someone catcalling me. My coping strategy is usually just putting on my resting bitch face and walk as fast as possible. But actually doing physical stuff is terrifying.

Glad you had fun and made it back safely!


annapandawoo March 31 2016, 16:54:45 UTC
If it's just catcalling, and they don't come towards me, that's what I do too! Unless I'm having a bad day. Not very lady like, but I have a bad habit of flipping them off and yelling "fuck off". It really is. I can't imagine how much worse it is in New York.

Thanks! All my middle school dreams came true, and the singer signed my chest. Probably one of the ballsiest things I've ever done.


neodaedalus25 March 31 2016, 22:53:24 UTC
sounds like you had fun and i always wanted to head out to a concert especially to see maroon 5. But if you don't feel secure, i would suggest mace in the bag. Hope you feel better.


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