Title: All Summer It Hurt to Look at You Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairings: Elliot/Kathy, Elliot/Olivia Rating: PG Summary: The summer our marriage failed we picked sage to sweeten our hot dark car.
I love this so so so much. It makes my heart *hurt*. How everything is kind of normal and hopeless and nothing is any sexier or flashier than reality is. And it makes me want it to be summer, and it makes me feel lonely.
Oh, thank you! I wish it were summer too - packing t-shirts is making me think about last summer of AWESOMENESS and how this one will clearly be even better.
This story was just ... I loved it. I love the comparisons between Olivia and Kathy, like when Elliot thinks that Olivia would yell back at him, or when in the middle of his first kiss with Olivia, you described his first kiss with Kathy. And I absolutely loved how in character and real this was. Great job!! I hope to see more from you.
Oh, man. I love this. I love how he regrets kissing her before he even does it but he does it anyway and then he wants to do it again. And I love the last line. I may possibly be dead from loving this now.
Comments 57
And that last LINE!
(Also, HA! Icon.)
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