Title: Those Things That Change Us Pairing: Merlin/Arthur pre-slash Rating: PG Spoilers: Up through and including Episode 10, The Moment of TruthWarnings: Plenty of angst, some fluff and quite possibly some cheese
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He doesn't know how to define it, whatever it is about Merlin that makes Arthur want to shrink him down to a size so he could carry him around in his pocket, to keep Merlin safe.
Yay, for Mini!Merlin! I can so see that. It would make for some awesome crack. Sadly I am unable to write Crack. *sigh*
Anway loved this story, loved the comfort and they didn't even kiss. This was great friendship!fic and I do like Arthur realizing that the whole thing changed not only Merlin but in extension Arthur, too.
Y'know why I love this so much? Besides the great writing and characterisation and general loveliness? Because it means I can get over the only thing that really irritated me about the show - that Merlin was best friends with this boy for his whole life but gets over his death seemingly instantaneously. So now I can just slot this in between episodes 10 and 11 and everything is beautiful.
I *know*. I couldn't believe they brushed it under the rug like that. I was also disappointed in Arthur's reaction to Will's death and the whole sorcery thing. I felt like they spent the whole episode building him up, showing us what a great leader/person he's become, and then he's just a prat again.
Comments 100
Yay, for Mini!Merlin! I can so see that. It would make for some awesome crack. Sadly I am unable to write Crack. *sigh*
Anway loved this story, loved the comfort and they didn't even kiss. This was great friendship!fic and I do like Arthur realizing that the whole thing changed not only Merlin but in extension Arthur, too.
Thanks for the comment =) I actually usually don't write strictly friendship fic, so I am glad it worked!
Y'know why I love this so much? Besides the great writing and characterisation and general loveliness? Because it means I can get over the only thing that really irritated me about the show - that Merlin was best friends with this boy for his whole life but gets over his death seemingly instantaneously. So now I can just slot this in between episodes 10 and 11 and everything is beautiful.
But I am glad you like it =)
I really liked your Arthur in this. And Merlin, too, crushed by this grief he can't even express.
Glad you enjoyed it =)
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