FIC: For Worse or For Better, Chapter 5

Sep 12, 2009 22:32

Title: For Worse or For Better, Chapter 5 (THE END!!!)
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,095 this chapter; 20,636 total (GAH)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Notes: Written for reel_merlin Take 2 prompt: The Proposal. Huge thanks to krazykipper for the britpicking, and as always to marzilla for the beta, and for somehow always convincing me that I want to write ( Read more... )

genre: romance, rating: pg-13, fan fiction, for worse or for better, merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur

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Comments 180

hanelissar September 13 2009, 12:27:07 UTC
Oh my word but that was amazing...having totally failed to go and see the film I now realise I completely MUST get the DVD because it seems very very awesome, but that is irrelevant because this is so fantastic!

Loved the random reappearances of Sophia and the strip club and Gaius! And Morgana being awesome and I love that you made Will a total bastard because he always seems to be the ex and it's kind of nice having Merlin hate him.

I loved it. I really, really loved it - this is the kind of fic that I go back and read time after time. Thank you, you've totally brightened up my morning.

And I will try and come back later with a less rambling and more specific comment, but I'm too full of love to be coherent right now.


anna_zee September 14 2009, 02:06:36 UTC
My gosh, thank you for the wonderful comment! I can't really take credit for anything that happens in the general plot, but I'm so glad you liked my reinterpretation =)

I loved it. I really, really loved it - this is the kind of fic that I go back and read time after time.

That just makes me so happy, thank you so much!


archaeologist_d September 13 2009, 12:55:16 UTC
I thought you did a great job translating the movie into the Merlin universe. I really liked the movie. It was silly and so very Sandra Bullock but sweet, too. I really liked how you did the whole prat/idiot thing. Well done.


anna_zee September 14 2009, 02:07:39 UTC
Thank you! I couldn't help but see the two of them in my head when I was watching the movie, so I'm glad my translation worked =)


uchimaki September 13 2009, 13:24:57 UTC
That was just so amazing!
I loved it! &hearts &hearts &hearts
I just loved you portrayed the relationship between Arthur and Merlin and how each chapter they get closer and closer.
And I liked the way you ended the story. <3
& sequels? YUS PLEASE. 8D


anna_zee September 14 2009, 02:08:44 UTC
Thanks! The progression of the relationship was the most difficult part, so I'm relieved I got it right.

Thanks for the lovely comment!


mariana_oconnor September 13 2009, 13:39:41 UTC
I haven't seen the film, but I don't think that matters so much. It was a really sweet story and very well written with just enough humour in the narration without it becoming overbearing. ^_^ Thank you.


anna_zee September 14 2009, 02:09:30 UTC
You're welcome--and thank you for reading and commenting.

And definitely see the film--I loved it!


rose_walker22 September 13 2009, 14:08:06 UTC
I really need to see this film now!
God, i loved every minute of this and if i had time i would go and read it again coz it's just full of awesome!
I just love the Arthur/Merlin interaction, it's so typically them.
I wish that they could have gone back to Alaska to get married though. After Hunith gave Arthur a piece of her mind first of course ^_^ I think Arthur deserves a family after loosing everyone.
This is just so lovely i'm all full of warm fuzzies now ^_^


anna_zee September 14 2009, 02:10:32 UTC
I wish that they could have gone back to Alaska to get married though. After Hunith gave Arthur a piece of her mind first of course ^_^ I think Arthur deserves a family after loosing everyone.

I'm pretty sure they eventually do. I can't officially commit to a sequel, but there's definitely something wedding-related brewing in my head =)

Thanks for reading!


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