FIC: Don't Look Down

May 11, 2009 17:40

Title: Don't Look Down
Author: anna_zee
Rating: PG
Summary: Colin's afraid of heights. Bradley wants to change this.
Warnings: None. Unless you have something against fluff.
Disclaimer: I don't know Bradley or Colin, and I have no idea what they do in their free time. This is simply a product of my slashy imagination.
Beta: marzilla
Author's Notes: Written for bradleycolinRead more... )

rps, fan fiction, rating: pg, bradley/colin

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Comments 41

lady_razzle May 11 2009, 22:22:47 UTC
*Clappity* that was lovely! Delightful kiss. :)


anna_zee May 12 2009, 15:23:44 UTC
Thanks so much =)


auroraprimavera May 11 2009, 23:31:47 UTC
Ack - the adorable cuteness slays me!! *flails*

Damn Colin and his adorable...Colin-ness.

I THINK THAT EVERY DAY!!! This was just wonderful and I got little flutters at their immense adorable cuteness. Wonderful story for your first RPS, hope this means more!! \o/


anna_zee May 12 2009, 15:25:18 UTC
His adorable-ness knows no bounds!

Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it =) I certainly plan on writing more, so we'll see!


aeroport_art May 11 2009, 23:45:50 UTC
AUGH CUTE and well-written :D

For some reason, I really liked this description:

Bradley turned sideways and pressed his back against the door frame. Colin bumped him with his shoulder as he walked past, and they rode the elevator down in a comfortable silence.

So casual and subtle, but still pretty sexy.

Will rec.


anna_zee May 12 2009, 15:27:01 UTC
So casual and subtle, but still pretty sexy. Yep, that's them!

Thanks so much =)


lagolindari May 12 2009, 00:44:52 UTC
Oh my goodness ♥!!
This was the sweetest thing ever. Their kiss, and, and... awww ♥! I have a new FFF (favourite fluffy fic) now!


anna_zee May 12 2009, 15:27:46 UTC
Hooray! \0/

I am glad you liked it!


lagolindari May 12 2009, 17:18:09 UTC
If you want to resize the picture before the lj-cut, you can use the code:

=img src="nameofpicture.jpg" height="300"?

Obviously the 300 can be whatever you prefer. It is not necessary to put both width and height, it keeps the image proportions automatically :).

Just saying in case you may like to know - I personally love to fiddle around with the posts until they look exactly how I want them :D!


anna_zee May 12 2009, 19:16:21 UTC
Actually, I drove myself bonkers for about half an hour putting the post up because I couldn't get the picture any thanks!


fresica May 12 2009, 00:55:08 UTC
The cuteness makes my face hurt. Tooooo adorable!! XD


anna_zee May 12 2009, 15:28:21 UTC
I know, it's ridiculous, isn't it? Thanks for the comment =)


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