The Anna Luna Valentine's Day TRADE GAME

Feb 14, 2008 01:03

I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to make origami roses with my brother for his girlfriend. (With mixed results. We finally came to the conclusion that that guy isn't an origami artist, but rather a magician... that rose comes from *nowhere*! We made three amorphous cubes that I should have photographed...)Since I don't have a significant ( Read more... )

fanart, anna trade game

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anna_luna February 15 2008, 04:03:41 UTC
:D Thank you hon, they are all wonderful, I especially like the second Rodney one, he looks so serious.

Since it is your birthday and all, I made you something a bit different from my usual style:

... )


sheafrotherdon February 15 2008, 04:33:17 UTC
asdhfhakjsdf oh oh oh this is SO beautiful!! So intimate and sweet!! *flails*


anna_luna February 15 2008, 04:52:25 UTC
:D Thank you! I was trying a more realistic look and my brand new watercolor paper (it is awesome! I love it!). I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The boys hugging is one of my favorite things.


sheafrotherdon February 15 2008, 04:32:33 UTC
I will totally write you a John and Rodney story!! PROMPT ME! What do you dearly want to see happen to them?


anna_luna February 15 2008, 04:45:13 UTC
Oh! Oh! I would like a story featuring John's Lollipop from the beginning of Trio. I spent the whole episode having flashbacks to it. McShep preferably.

Or if that doesn't help, a Trio Tag, featuring the boys (or possibly the girls...) :P

Or, for something not Trio related: The team, baking.

My turn:

For a story, I trade you fanart, what would you like? It can be fanart based on fic, but if you do, give me a scene so I don't break my brain trying to decide. It can be a cover too it you prefer. Or something general, or an AU you *wish* someone had written.


sheafrotherdon February 17 2008, 05:27:12 UTC
ohhhhhh those are good prompts! I meant to write a Trio tag and never did . . . but the lollipop is also very intriguing :>

Do you like angst or good-feelin' fics best? (And even my angst always works out in the end, because I just can't hurt them too badly).

For fanart, I would love John and Rodney tangled up together in bed. Not sexually - although they can be naked if you want, but that's not necessary! - but just . . . 90% of the fanfic I write has them waking up together or falling asleep together at some point, because there's just something so wonderfully intimate about letting someone stay with you while you sleep. So if they could be mashed up together in bed, I would be the happiest camper in the entire world. True facts. ♥


anna_luna February 19 2008, 05:23:50 UTC
I like happy, happy fics that make me smile and feel better, please.

Also, I finished your trade (your prompt was awesome and I loved it). I'll post it bellow.


Happy day after valentine's day! sandrainthesun February 15 2008, 13:19:42 UTC
I love this idea and I'd like to participate *g* Hope you like it:

... )


Re: Happy day after valentine's day! anna_luna February 19 2008, 05:30:08 UTC
Oh! Oh! It looks amazing! Dark and creepy and yet I *know* John and Rodney will manage! Thank you!

I'll trade you a piece of fanart for it! Do you want to give me a prompt or should I choose?


Re: Happy day after valentine's day! sandrainthesun February 19 2008, 07:44:10 UTC
Thank you! It actually got darker than I wanted. *g*

As a prompt: Just something McShep in season 4. The rest is up to you. I'm sure it will be great.


Re: Happy day after valentine's day! anna_luna March 6 2008, 03:47:47 UTC
:D Yay! I have Internet again! And I finished the drawing for you!

It's a missing scene from "This Mortal Coil", very McSheppy, I hope you like it!

... )


If there's still time... pollitt February 16 2008, 20:45:17 UTC
I will TOTALLY write you something--a ficlet-or-more of SGA (McShep, or Gen) whatever your prompt may be!

*looks pleadingly* :)


Re: If there's still time... anna_luna February 16 2008, 21:54:43 UTC
Yes, yes! Absolutely! McShep, please. Mmmm... I would like a Tag to one of the S4 episodes or an AU where they are librarians.


Re: If there's still time... anna_luna February 16 2008, 21:55:54 UTC
And what would you like? Fanart for a fic? a cover? Give me a prompt or tell me to chose myself...


Re: If there's still time... pollitt February 17 2008, 01:44:54 UTC
Okay... Here are some prompts to choose from:

That said, if you get inspired by something else. Go for it!


dogeared February 17 2008, 04:18:32 UTC
I don't really have anything to trade, but I will take this opportunity to give you some hugs and heartfelt appreciation: I have so many of your John/Rodney pieces of art saved on my hard drive, because you create the sweetest, fondest, loveliest snapshots of the two of them-so obviously full of emotion that even a touch becomes weighty and intimate and shivery good, and nothing makes me more fannishly giddy than thinking about the boys being happy! ♥


anna_luna March 8 2008, 03:43:05 UTC
:D Thank you, honey! I'm glad you like my art! I hoard feedback like cookies and keep coming back to read it again and again. I love drawing our boys happy, it's my default setting, I think. And it makes *me* giddy to know people notice the details or the meaning behind my art. Thanks!

Now some feedback right back at you: I love the way you have with metaphor and language, sometimes everyday speech and sometimes metaphoric, but always awe inspiring. I like how you tell a whole story with one (or a few) scenes. Also you're partly to blame for the fact that I know whet Nantucket *is*. I even bought a book about it and meant to send it to aesc... but then I realized there were pretty watercolors inside and kept it for myself... :P


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