Fanart: Fish Like Bikes - Rodney and Miko (Elizabeth, John and Teyla)

Aug 22, 2006 03:41

Here is my entry for the fish_like_bikes challenge.

My prompts were: 'marriage', 'bondage' and 'left behind'.

So I decided that Miko and Rodney got left behind on a weird alien planet where the natives forced them into ritual bondage(of the non-erotic kind) and they fell in love. After coming back to Atlantis they celebrated a traditional Japanese marriage:

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fanart, fish_like_bikes, sga

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Comments 36

looking4tarzan August 22 2006, 10:26:08 UTC
maybe John just wants to run into a corner and comiserate with some saki?
lol oooooooooooooooh these are as wonderful as ever


anna_luna August 22 2006, 13:46:14 UTC
comiserate with some saki

Poor John, he has now lost Rodney forever... the bottle is his only refuge. Too bad Teyla and Elizabeth will have none of it! I *so* can hear them plotting to hook him up with Radek or Halling...


timelordemiri August 22 2006, 14:09:43 UTC
Oh, these are just beautiful!
I'm such a sucker for kimonos.
And Teyla's little pink purse!


anna_luna August 23 2006, 12:25:10 UTC
:D I'm glad you like them! I'm also a sucker for Kimonos, they are so beautiful and elegant.

Teyla's little pink purse was a last minute addition, I think that if John doesn't start behaving soon, she'll whack him over the head with it.


aurora_84 August 22 2006, 17:10:29 UTC
Ahaha, yay! You draw kimonos so well.


anna_luna August 23 2006, 13:21:34 UTC
:D Thanks a lot! I love drawing kimonos, everyone looks so elegant in them! and this gave me the perfect opportunity!


poisonshock August 22 2006, 17:20:35 UTC
[laughs gleefully] IT's really cute and original, too. Miko and rodney as a pairing, now that's rare! beautiful kimonos!


anna_luna August 23 2006, 14:00:49 UTC
:) I'm glad you liked it! There is very little Miko/Rodney art and fanfics out there, even though they have more screen-time together than say Lorne/Parish or the ship-that-came-from-nowhere!Lorne/Novak.

I'm especially proud of the kimonos, they take a long time to draw, but are always worth it in the end. Thanks!


overchay August 22 2006, 18:16:05 UTC
Your Rodney, as always, is gorgeous. And WOW. I love Miko's wedding garb (the flowers in her hair, especially) and Telya and Elizabeth are so adorable :] I love your art so very, very much.


anna_luna August 23 2006, 14:33:01 UTC
:D I'm glad you think Miko looks nice, I had a somewhat difficult time putting her in a Kimono that didn't make her look old. The flowers add to a more youthful appearance.

Thanks a lot for the lovely feedback!


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