
Nov 13, 2005 23:48

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Comments 37

styrofoams November 14 2005, 07:12:32 UTC
Cute nails!


anna_louise November 14 2005, 15:22:03 UTC
shank yaaaa!


preshita November 14 2005, 10:30:56 UTC
Who listens to Christmas music? Get A Christmas Story on CD and put it on your ipod and listen to that :] "You'll shoot your eye out!"


anna_louise November 14 2005, 15:17:34 UTC
YES, YES YES YES! i adore that movie with all my heart and soul. too bad my ipod was stolen though, hahaha.


preshita November 15 2005, 01:21:46 UTC
Oh no! I guess I missed that particular LJ update...


thecabaret_ November 14 2005, 12:44:26 UTC
Someone caed from the athletic club and when I told them that my parents were not home they asked for the name of the person they where leaving the message with.


anna_louise November 14 2005, 15:21:55 UTC
why would they even need to know that? they are freaks. all of them.


dannystilltrips November 14 2005, 13:33:25 UTC
My parents are getting me a privatized social security account so I can start saving and won't be poor, unlike the aforementioned people above me. I'm also getting a customized map of the world with every state south of deleware removed. what you NEED to do on Christmas is embrace the nation of Islam


anna_louise November 14 2005, 15:20:59 UTC
wait, i'm so confused right now, who is this?


dannyktrips November 14 2005, 13:37:23 UTC
Hey dumbass!!! She said Christmas MUSIC!!!! Sorry my little anya!!! Here is what I listen to....

"Santa Clause Doesn't Cop Out On Dope" Sonic Youth
"Jingle Balls" KoRn
Little Drum Machine Boy- Beck
Christmas With The Devil- Spinal Tap
Altar of Sacrifice- Slayer

I Miss you!!! and your boyish swedish haircut!


anna_louise November 14 2005, 15:20:23 UTC
hey Danny since when is korn music? and since when do boys in Sweden have my haircut? hahahaha. hey Beck is cool, i approve of these suggestions... i guess... :]


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