Forgotten and new Fanart meme!

Sep 26, 2009 00:11

I feel I am getting rusty from not drawing lately...

So it is time for a Fanart Meme! Give me your prompts!

Rules of the meme:

A. If I ever promised you fanart, in a comment, conversation or previous meme, leave me a comment here and I will get right to it. It is not that I don't *want* to draw it if for you, I've just forgotten about it D: (probably because I saw something shinny and have the attention span of a kitten)! Or you can tell me to forget about the old prompt and give me a new prompt (can be SGA or Bandom or the fandom of the original prompt)! Don't be shy! Speak up!

Now for new prompts from people I don't owe art to (yet):

B. 2 people can request SGA fanart!

C. 3 people can request Bandom fanart! (Currently: FOB, MCR, PATD, Cobra & Bandom!women, but you can try to tempt me with something else as long as the other prompt complies (see G.))

D. 2 people can request Merlin (BBC) fanart.

E. Prompts have to be clear, i.e. tell me who, where, when! If you want something for your fic, give me a quote and/or a scene or a description. Detail is good! Cannon or AUs are FINE!

F. Requests can be for art or art!icons.

G. Every person must give me two prompts to choose from and I will try to draw *one*. EDIT: It seems to go well without this rule, so lets ignore it. :)

H. One request per user, please. This also means that if you are reminding me of an old prompt, you can only exchange the old one for a new one (A.), and not, request the old prompt(A.) and *also* another (B., C. or D.)

I. I reserve the right to take a long time to finish the art as RL is still crazy, draw doodles or make mini-comics that might only be funny to me in response :).

I hope that wasn't too confusing (why do I need so many rules for giving away art anyway?). If you comment to ask me to clarify something, that shall act as placeholder for your future prompt.

Now, give me prompts, people! Give me prompts!

fanart, meme, bandom, merlin, sga

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