The Spousal Unit has been given the okay to go back to work, sort of. He's still uncomfortable to a degree, and still has to see the doc through the rest of the week for dressing changes. We hope that's the end of the ordeal, but at this point, we're not counting on it. On the upside, the doctor tells TSU that he has a very healthy constitution
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Comments 11
Also I was much amused by Lorne...oh, excuse me, Garrity seeing himself standing there. Whoot!
Yeah, I was a little confused at first by his ability - was he projecting his image onto someone else, or was he seeing a mirror image of himself? Then I got it, he was seeing himself. Kinda creepy - but, hey, two pretty Lorne/Garritys gotta be better than one, right? Hee! :D
I think I'm going to be annoyed if they don't get another season. Too many loose ends.
Totally adorable - as was Marco's teleportation ability. Now that's the one that'll really come in handy. Maybe he'll bump into Hiro eventually. ;) Megan turning pens into flowers seems like a bust to me.
I enjoyed it much more than I intended.
Word on Prison Break and K Ville.
I enjoyed it much more than I intended.
You guys are getting it on Tuesday nights? Good to hear a thumbs up. I'm going into it with an open mind. :)
Word on Prison Break and K Ville.
Glad to know it wasn't just me.
Good news about the Hubster getting the ok to go back to work. I hope he doesn't overdo it.
Bellick running around in a shitty diaper with blood and shit all over his face and body
The hell, I ask???? Please assure me this is hyperbole!
I think the camaraderie between Anthony Anderson and Cole Hauser is good and genuine,
Explain to me, please (since I know you watched The Shield the season he was on) what distinguishes Anthony Anderson? I read nothing but praise for him as Antwon Mitchell (Emmy! Emmy! He was robbed!), and have read equal praise for him as being the only outstanding thing in K-Ville.
Is this a political correctness run amok thing? Are our standards for African American actors so low we'll heap accolades on any black face that comes along, regardless of talent? I honestly don't get it. I'm apparently judging the man by a different standard, but I think he's wholly and completely bad. (I thought everything else about K-Ville was equally bad, and I couldn't watch until the "reveal" at the end because I ( ... )
Sadly, no. *gag*
Explain to me, please (since I know you watched The Shield the season he was on) what distinguishes Anthony Anderson? I read nothing but praise for him as Antwon Mitchell (Emmy! Emmy! He was robbed!), and have read equal praise for him as being the only outstanding thing in K-Ville.
I don't know about political correctness, but there may be a bit of residual critical fondness spilling over from his time on The Shield wherein he did put in a credible and solid performance as a gangland leader. The only good thing about K-ville, though? Eh, I don't think so. I mean, he's not bad, none of the acting is bad. But the writing overall is the weak link, so it doesn't really matter what the actors are doing.
No other show gives me the man!pain like this, and I really can't rest until I see Kyle wiped off the face of the earth for good. (Bonus: More man!pain for Tom and Shawn!!)But if they do get a fifth season, and if what you told me about Chad Faust is true, then ( ... )
Sadly, no. *gag*
Holy crap. No pun intended.
wherein he did put in a credible and solid performance as a gangland leader
I have to disagree - strongly. He read his lines like he was a learning disabled 6th grade-level student. Straight line reading, no guts. And no guts, no glory, IMO.
(though I have to admit I loved the three-way hug at the grave site - *sniffle*).
That whole sequence was beautifully played. Vancouver's got to be the best place to hold a funeral. It's like, out of the Location Central Casting Hall of Fame. *g* I can't believe they got me to hate Kyle so thoroughly, though. I've never been a fan of his or Chad's weird jawline, but when he first came back I grew to see how important his role in Shawn's and Tom's life was. Then they go and make me wish he'd never shown up ( ... )
I don't think that particular weight will be lifted until all the apps are in, and we start getting responses back - and then they're the responses we want! Only then will I be sure we'll have done them right. *nervous*
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