Synopsis :
Takemichi Hanagaki (Takumi Kitamura) lives as a 26-year-old freeter. His life is basically miserable. One day, he learns from the news that Hinata Tachibana and her younger brother Naoto Tachibana (Yosuke Sugino) were murdered by the Tokyo Manjikai Gang. Takemichi Hanagaki is stunnded by the news, because Hinata Tachibana was his first love during his middle school days.
The next day, Takemichi Hanagaki is pushed by someone on a station platform and falls onto the railway track. At that moment, he goes back 10 years into the past. There, he tells Naoto Tachibana that in 10 years, Hinata Tachibana will get murdered. This changes the present day. Now, Naoto Tachibana works as a detective and avoids being killed by the Tokyo Manjikai Gang, but Hinata Tachibana's fate is different. She is murdered by the Tokyo Manjikai Gang.Takemichi Hanagaki then asks for help from Detective Naoto Tachibana. He wants to save Hinata Tachibana by going back in time to destroy the Tokyo Manjikai Gang.
Cast :
Takumi Kitamura
Yuki Yamada
Yosuke Sugino
Mio Imada
Nobuyuki Suzuki
Gordon Maeda
Hiroya Shimizu
Hayato Isomura
Shotaro Mamiya
Ryo Yoshizawa
Enjoy, stay safe and happy holiday ( ^^)(^^ )
*This is probably my last post for 2021.
Thanks to those who always leave comments and messages me ♡
Sorry for not replying yet. I'll try to reply to all those asap ^-^
See you guys next year!