Snapping Turtle Sex

Jul 24, 2009 10:23

Nice article here about someone who nearly blundered into an amorous pair of turtles while swimming in her pond. She says they are gentle and shy in the water, contrary to their aggression while nervous on land.

When all the lights in our subdivision were knocked out a summer or two ago, a hefty snapper got disoriented and was headed across our central street. I think they probably orient themselves by light, as sea turtles do; also like sea turtles, snappers cannot retract their heads. My dearest savant_da_rat and another man used snow shovels to gently lift the angry matron and move her to safety.

Interesting to read that they are not always dangerous and irascible.

For those of you disappointed that the body of this post doesn't live up to the tease in the caption, go read the turtle article or content yourself with this piece on Hands or Paws or Anything They Got: Masturbation Among Animals which leads off with a tangential point mainly of interest to humans, specifically, male Catholic humans:

    Isn't it wonderful when science and religion come together? ...a recent paper has laid the groundwork for a pro-life defense of onanism. According to obstetrician David Greening, a rigorous program of daily masturbation can actually improve sperm quality in men with fertility problems. (Samples collected at the end of the program showed less DNA damage and higher sperm motility than samples from control subjects.) Since masturbation can help you have babies, Saletan argues, it must also serve the "procreative and unitive purposes" described in the Catechism.
Oh, g'wan, read it. Very amusing - clearly, porcupines are tool users, who knew?

sex, savant, animals, religion
