Fic: Public Displays of Affection, Severus/Harry, NC-17

Dec 04, 2004 22:37

I'm alive!!!! Aren't you all excited?

*listens to crickets chirp*


Ok, so I've been in the pits of hell lately, but i'm back for a bit and I got another drabble request done. Of course it's a full fledged fic. I suck ass that way. :D I have two left to go and I swear I'm going to get them done if it kills me. Thank you so much for your patience.

This is for calixta9 who requested Snape/Harry, public displays of affection. Here you go, sugar. Sorry you had to wait so damn long.

Title: Public Displays of Affection
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,382 *headdesk* Drabble. My. Ass.
Summary: Snape and Harry go shopping for the first time.
A/N: Thank you my beautiful mooncharm for the beta. You did a wonderful job.

Severus Snape stalked through the crowded streets of Hogsmeade, his face set in a dark mask, his black robes billowing behind him. Harry scurried to keep up but didn't bother getting too close. It seemed that Snape was not comfortable unless Harry was at least three paces behind him. The bloody prat.

Harry should have known, really. Severus had not been keen on Harry coming today. In fact, he had come up with at least ten different reasons why Harry needed to stay behind-- he was only going to be gone for an hour, it would be tedious, didn't Harry have papers to grade?-- it went on and on. All the other times Harry had just given up, let it go gracefully, because, really, it wasn't that important. But they had been together for almost a year. This time, Harry had dug his heels in and refused to budge.

So here he was, trailing along after his taciturn lover like a little boy, and trying to keep from Stupefying the bastard into slowing down. What a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

"Severus." Harry watched him cringe at the sound of his name. "We really don't need to be in this big of a hurry. The shop's not going anywhere."

Severus didn't break his stride.

Harry followed quietly for a while, noticing that Snape sped up anytime he came within touching distance. He wondered if he started running, would the severe, distinguished professor begin running as well. He could just see them tearing down the streets of Hogsmeade, Severus with a look of utmost terror on his face and Harry cackling like a loon behind him. The thought made him smile.

The crowds parted for Severus, giving him a wide berth, only to do a double take when they saw that Harry was bringing up the rear. The Boy Who Lived nonsense had only grown in intensity since the war and the fact that he was in hexing distance of a known Death Eater apparently didn't settle well with his admiring public. Well, fuck them all. He'd love to see their faces if they knew that only two hours ago he'd been on his knees with said Death Eater's lovely cock lodged snuggly in his throat. His prick gave an interested twitch at the vivid memory.

In truth, he wanted to go public with the relationship. He was tired of hiding. And he was proud of Severus and all that he had accomplished. Unfortunately, Snape seemed to have different ideas.

The potions shop came into view and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He was beginning to get a stitch in his side. The bells above the door jingled as Severus shoved it open and glided through, not bothering to hold it open for Harry. It closed almost completely before he got there and he pushed it open and walked inside. If Severus thought that he'd wait outside like a puppy, he had another thing coming.

Snape glanced back at the sound of the bell and sneered before disappearing around a shelf filled with different colored bottles. Harry followed. The shop was dark and gloomy, a stark contrast to the other shops in the village. He found Severus standing in the back corner, his black eyes sparkling as he perused the endless rows of bottles. He watched as a long fingered hand moved forward, potion-stained fingers wrapping firmly around a medium sized blue bottle. Harry was surprised to find that his cock was interested once more. Snape had the best hands, potion stains and all.

He slipped up behind him and placed a hand on Snape's forearm. Severus acted as if he'd been burnt. He jerked away and whirled, looming over Harry; his faced twisted with irritation.

"Do you mind, Potter?" Severus snapped. "I'll be finished shortly and then we can go back to the castle. I don't think it's too much to ask for you to keep your hands to yourself until such a time that we are no longer in public."

For some reason that hurt. Harry had known that Snape didn't want him along. He'd known that Snape didn't want people knowing that they were seeing one another. But hearing it from his lips made Harry's chest constrict.

"This is hardly what I would consider public, Severus," Harry said evenly, pleased that his voice didn't betray his inner turmoil. "Look around, there's no one else here. And it's not as if I was groping you, for Merlin's sake."

Snape, having turned around and snatched another bottle from the shelf, ignored him. His robes flared out and smacked Harry's thigh and hand as he spun around and glided past him to the front of the store, carefully avoiding any actual bodily contact. Harry's insides churned.

A moment later, the ingredients were procured and Snape left the shop without a backward glance, allowing the door to swing shut in Harry's face once more. The hard wood of the door slapped against his palms and Harry's frustration and hurt turned suddenly to anger. This had to stop. Now.

Harry slung the door open and stormed forward, his eyes fixed on the black-clad figure up ahead. He half ran to catch up. Thick material bunched under his fingers as he gripped Snape's shoulder and jerked him around. Severus' eyes widened in surprise for a moment, before quickly narrowing. He glanced around quickly and shrugged Harry's hand off.

"What the hell are you doing, Potter?" he hissed.

"Are you ashamed of me?" Harry countered. And that sounded like such a cliché thing to say that he was momentarily mortified that it had come out of his mouth. Snape's response renewed his anger enough that he forgot all about his embarrassment.

"Are you insane?" Severus whispered, his eyes cutting around once more, his shoulders stiff with tension. "This is not the place for you to be acting like an over-emotional teenaged girl. I allowed you to come, but I would not have had I known your sole purpose for accompanying me was to humiliate me."

He turned to walk away and Harry grabbed him again, this time moving to stand in front of him, blocking his path. "Sorry, but I didn't know that walking beside you would be so humiliating."

"Potter," Snape said through clenched teeth. "Stop this this instant."

"No," Harry growled. If he allowed them to get back to the castle, Severus would hide in his dungeons for days, refusing to see him, in an effort to keep from having to discuss it. How the hell he was ever a Death Eater, Harry would never know. "I won't. You're going to tell me right now what the bloody problem is, Snape! I've given you room, I've not pushed you, but this is ridiculous. I'm not the one being immature here."

Snape edged away from him. "Keep your voice down!" he hissed.

Harry followed, noticing that people were indeed stopping to stare. Good. Served the bastard right. "Not until you tell me why you refuse to acknowledge me." He couldn't remember the last time he was this angry. "I'm good enough to help you in your lab and to keep you company, but you can't bear it that anyone knows? Why? Are you trying to drive me away? To hurt me?"

Snape's face paled and he had stopped looking around at the crowd. His eyes were fixed on Harry.

"Is that what you want? For me to walk away? Because I refuse to be around someone who can't even stand to have me within three feet of them in public."

"Harry," Snape began hoarsely.

"You don't even speak to me in the hallways or in the Great Hall and I've never once complained." In hindsight, Harry thought that perhaps he should have. They could have avoided this, which was quickly becoming quite a scene, in the middle of Hogsmeade. "What the hell am I supposed to think? Cause from where I'm standing, it looks as if I'm not good enough for you to actually want to spend time with, but I'm perfectly fine for you to hold down and fu--"

He was cut off by Severus' hand clapping down over his mouth. A strong arm wrapped around him and he felt himself being steered toward an alley off to the side. The next instant, he was shoved up against the wall, the rough stones cutting into his back. Severus' robes curtained around them as he leaned in close. They were both breathing heavily and Harry could feel Snape's hand shaking where it was still pressed over his lips. Severus looked down at him, his gaze boring into Harry, before closing his eyes tight. Harry saw the muscle in his jaw contract as he clenched his teeth. He looked as if he were in pain.

Harry's countenance softened abruptly. Oh, shit. He'd really lost it back there. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but the hand pressed down more firmly and Severus shook his head. Suddenly, the hand was being removed and Severus' eyes were fluttering open, looking strangely liquid. That was all the warning he got before Severus crushed his lips to his, claiming his mouth roughly.

Oh, God. Harry gasped into his mouth, feeling his bones start to melt from the sheer heat of the kiss. Severus thrust his tongue in, demanding access, and Harry could do nothing but allow it. He could hear the sound of footsteps as shoppers walked past the entryway to the alley. Anyone can see us.

Harry groaned.

Liquid heat spread to his groin, causing his cock to grow hot and heavy in the confines of his trousers. He placed his hands on Severus' hips and pulled him closer, letting him feel his erection against his thigh. Harry rubbed himself against Severus and moaned more when the grip on his shoulders tightened and Severus pressed against him hard, grinding their hips together. Severus' intense body heat soaked into his skin, even through all the layers, and the pressure against his throbbing flesh caused him to convulse and cry out into Severus' mouth. He'd never been so turned on in his life.

He jerked his head to the side, panting. "Severus… I can't… you have to…. fuck… I…" Wonderful. He was babbling.

Severus pulled back slightly and made fast work of the buttons on Harry's trousers. Harry had enough time to goggle at the fact that not only was Snape not stopping, but he was carrying things much, much further. Then those wonderful, glorious fingers wrapped around his already wet cock and he was lost.

Another hot, wet, all-consuming kiss and Harry felt his prick throb violently. He was so fucking close.

"Severus," he moaned brokenly, tightening his grip. The noise from the mouth of the alley was much softer now due to the pounding in his ears. Severus' clever fingers worked him ruthlessly, rubbing over his hard flesh, the thumb sweeping over his slit, spreading moisture in its wake. His hips moved of their own accord, humping eagerly, pushing his cock into the circle of Severus' fingers again and again. Severus' lips were pressed against his so firmly that it bordered on pain and his tongue thrust into Harry's mouth violently, licking and circling, plunging deeper and deeper. He felt as if he were being devoured. He loved it.

The filthy wall dug into the back of his head and Severus tasted of cloves and his breath was warm and his hand was hot and soft and perfect and Harry couldn't think because it was too good, too sweet, too much.

"I don't want you to walk away," Severus muttered against his swollen lips. Severus' voice broke somewhere in the middle and Harry's body broke at the sound.

I couldn't.

He held his breath as his muscles clenched and his cock jerked and sputtered. Waves of ecstasy washed through him, sweeping him up, as he shot pulse after pulse of scalding hot seed across Severus' beautiful fingers. He shouted, but was barely aware, as his body thrashed between Snape's hard frame and the even harder wall. He was coming so hard, and it felt so amazing, and he knew that people might see, might hear, but he didn't care. It was perfect.

Severus continued to devour his mouth as Harry slumped against the wall and tried to kiss back weakly. His cock was still twitching in Severus' grip and his mind was reeling. Severus pulled back with a final, almost chaste kiss and bowed his head. Harry watched as he pulled a handkerchief from his robes and cleaned Harry off tenderly before wiping his hand. He tucked Harry into his trousers and buttoned him up, still not making eye contact.

"I'm a very private man, Harry," he spoke softly to the ground. "I have never believed in public displays of affection."

Harry stood, silently in awe at Severus seeming so contrite.

"However," Snape continued, "I think that perhaps I have been a bit excessive in my desire to avoid such behaviors." He glanced up at Harry then, locking eyes with him. Harry could drown in that gaze.

"And perhaps I could attempt to… be more accommodating to your presence when we are around others."

Harry was speechless. It was the closest thing to an apology that he had ever gotten from Severus. He nodded slowly, not trusting himself to speak.

Severus breathed deeply and stepped back. His demeanor changed abruptly as he squared his shoulders and nodded back curtly.

"Fine. If we're quite done with our little drama," he said scathingly, "I'd like to return to the castle. Some of us have responsibilities to attend to."

Harry beamed at him and nodded again. Severus' featured softened.

"Good. Shall we?"

Without waiting, Severus turned and strode from the alley. Harry walked after him and noticed that Severus wasn't walking nearly as fast as he had been. When he fell into step beside him, Severus glanced at him once before continuing his pace. They walked side by side through the crowded streets toward the castle, their arms brushing occasionally. Harry bit his lip to keep from grinning like an imbecile. There was no need to irritate Severus anymore today. He knew how to choose his battles.


Some kind soul sent me an lj coupon anonymously!!! Squeeeeee!! Thank you so very much!!! If you'll reply here and tell me what you want I'll write you something.
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