That would be cool!

Feb 13, 2009 16:42

After reading thandie 's last post I had an idea:

I could use a little help,or better...I'd like you to rec me books,of any kind! I'm buying few things on amazon and since I'm there I want to order some books too!I have a rec for you:
Some time ago legoline recced me Mister God,this is Anna and I really suggest you to read it because it's the most cute and at ( Read more... )

picspam, books, spn

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Comments 24

pinkrosebudx February 13 2009, 16:51:02 UTC
Fricken love the SPN stuff.


Dude, Are you getting the Daddy Winchester Journal? I already ordered mine.


animotus February 13 2009, 16:52:56 UTC
I've heard about that Daddy Winchester thing?Do you know where I can find it?


thandie February 13 2009, 17:16:34 UTC
Oh recs, that i can do ( ... )


animotus February 13 2009, 21:18:10 UTC
Non ho mai letto Baricco ma è sulla mia lista di cose da fare!E non ho neanche visto quel film,forse è meglio così...non mi piace guardare un film e poi leggere l'originale cartaceo!;D
Ora provo anche questo di Sepùlveda,mi sembra interessante!

Mister God,this is Anna è un gioiellino di libro,niente di inventato...una storia vera!Ti lascerà a bocca aperta,ma devi comprarlo in inglese perchè in Italia non esiste!E non mi sorprende!

Ti dirò che io non sono appassionata di Horror,sono un pò guardo Supernatural!:P Però questa serie l'ho sentita spesso,potrei farci un pensierino!
Grazie dei consigli bella!;D


thandie February 13 2009, 22:17:44 UTC
La Torre Nera non è dell'orrore, non mi piacciono tanto i libri dell'orrore in SK scrive meravigliosamente, e questa saga è la sua opera migliore. Ti assicuro che ti farà sognare.

Oh mi raccomando guarda anche La Leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano! E' uno dei miei film preferiti (tratto appunto da Novecento') e il regista è Tornatore, con attori americani. E colonna sonora di Morricone! Capolavoro.

Se c'è di mezzo dio, figuriamoci se in Italia esce. Qui qualunque cosa che esce dai canoni è blasfemia, è un posto orribile dove vivere per un'atea come me!

Spero che trovi qualcosa che ti piaccia!


animotus February 14 2009, 09:53:26 UTC
Potrei farci un pensierino sai,per quanto riguarda il film forse dovrei leggere prima il libro!Vedremo!

C'è di mezzo Dio ma in una maniera molto particolare,credo che un tempo ci fosse anche la versione italiana ma ora non si trova più!Dovrebbe essere un libro per bambini ma è molto profondo!:P Non so,se tu sei atea magari il libro ti fa veramente schifo!:P Non parla di religione ma....sto zitta altrimenti ti spoilero!


clubinthesky February 13 2009, 17:29:37 UTC
hm, I've always been interested in John Winchester's journal but idk. *thinks* Currently the comic book i'm reading is Watchmen (i love it better than actual books, haha :P) but you wanted book recs :P

Hate spn? HOW ON EARTH IS THAT POSSIBLE!? *shakes head* I guess you gotta either love or hate the show, right? Oh well, Monster Movie was funny, my considered 'favorite' episode this season would be Yellow Fever, After School Special and the season opener was also a good one ;]

I'm sorry i'm not much of help >(


animotus February 13 2009, 21:13:25 UTC
Ohhhh,I wanted to order that comic but I still don't know if I could like it!What do you think so far?

Well,I can't answer your question about "you can love it,or you can hate it" 'cause OBVIOUSLY I love it,but I also understand people indifferent to the show!You know,the "genre" is not always loved...but tell you the truth:I've never been a fan of horror things,I've started watching Spn for curiosity,I was also a bit disappointed about all the crazyness around this show....AND LOOK AT ME NOW!I'm pathetic!:P


clubinthesky February 13 2009, 21:26:32 UTC
Truth to be told, I really bought the comics because I've heard that JDM was gonna be in the movie and I thought i'd order it and read before seeing the movie cos then i'd get more or an 'idea' on what it's about. :D So far I like it, i'm not that far on the pages though (only chapter 2 ?) but it's really cool and mysterious.

yeah indifferent is the right word, the genre is not everyone's cup of tea. I was the same as you are, watched SPN out of curiosity cos I needed a new series to watch and after the Pilot i just got HOOKED and it couldn't leave mee :P However, when I got a taste of the fandom? Wow, batshitcrazyy, i had to distance myself and fast but obviously i'm crazy about the show myself so :P


animotus February 13 2009, 21:49:00 UTC
I'm not a big fan of comics,I wanted to read Sandman 'cause I've heard is the best graphic novel around but I don't know!Maybe I could give Watchman a try!;D

Well,there two different kinds of crazy in this fandom!And I fìdon't think I need to explain the concept!:P


riverbella February 13 2009, 18:04:26 UTC
You can get John Winchester's Journal at Amazon. It's actually pretty cool. As far as recommending anything else, though, I don't have any idea what kinds of things you like. I've heard a lot of really good things about Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book." It's listed as young adult but everyone says it is a great read for adults, also.

Let's see, funniest moment I'd have to go with Dean screaming when the kitten jumped out of the locker in "Yellow Fever." Dean is lederhosen was pretty hysterical, too! Most intense I would say Dean's confession to Sam about what actually happened to him in hell. I was in tears over that. (Love the angst!)


animotus February 13 2009, 21:07:00 UTC
I've heard about the journal but I don't know much,sinceeveryone is reccing it I think I will have to buy it!;D
Never tried Gaiman but I hear great things about him!Thank you very much for the recs!

That confession was such a great performance,Jensen can make us laugh and cry so much!♥ Lederhosen!dean was pretty hilarious,and all his faces...I want more of those episodes!


smilla02 February 13 2009, 21:53:42 UTC
I think that Monster Movie was brilliant. I don't know why fandom was so opposed to it. Dracula made me laugh for real and it's hard for me to laugh like that to some of the stuff spn does for fun.

Okay, che ne dici di Ian McEwan? Potresti cominciare con Atonement. Non guardare il film, ti prego. E' penoso. Io ho fatto l'errore di guardarlo e beh... ha completamente mancato il bersaglio.

Oppure, tra gli Italiani, non mi stanco mai di reccare Stefano Benni. La Compagnia dei Celestini o Saltatempo. Un'altro autore che amo moltissimo è McCormak, la prosa è intelligente e poetica e le storie sono storie 'di frontiera' di persono un po' ai margini. Uno scrittore fantastico davvero, davvero.

Today I got my John Winchester's journal! YAY!


animotus February 13 2009, 22:06:56 UTC
Monster Movie is genius and who thinks differently doesn't know anything about the show and about good stuff in general!Seriously,it's one of my fav Spn eps EVER!♥

Credo sia davvero raro trovare film che siano all'altezza dei libri!
Voglio provarli tutti gli autori che mi hai consigliato!
E per quale fantascientifico motivo io non sapevo nulla del journal di John!?!?!!?!Lo ordino all'istante!♥


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