Challenge: Discoveries

Jul 02, 2005 15:41

Okay. So I thought about having some little kid get swept overboard and then rescued by Aftran. Or about a couple of late night NASA workers uncovering evidence of the Valeek in Saturn's rings. Or Cassie's mother and Rachel's mother finding out that their daughters are not at the other's houses like they thought they would be. Or Jake's mother finding his awful report card and reading a teacher's comment, "I think Jake may have joined a gang."

But then we had a family dinner, and my mother told her story again. And I went, "Hey, that's perfect!"


Title: Warning: Future Ahead [for the challenge "Discoveries"]
Word Count: 205

She didn't risk a flashlight. She couldn't risk a single noise. She wouldn't risk this single chance to prove to the others that she wasn't a little child they needed to keep locked up. She was eighteen! She was old enough to be with them!

"Vamenos esta noche," the leader had whispered in their makeshift camp earlier than evening. "No digan nada. Saben que hacemos. Y los chiquiti-ti-ti-to quendan aquí." The sneer had been meant for her. They all thought she was too young, a baby. She would show them!

Lights! She threw herself backwards, away from them, but they weren't looking for her. The beams fell on the group of ten or more that were huddled in a ditch. Some of them were her neighbors. Some were from other cities far away, who had migrated across Mexico to cross into California. Their goal was the same. But they had been discovered!

One of them saw her. He glanced quickly at the approaching figures -- pot-bellied, bald, white men in blue uniforms, shouting and waving their flashlights -- and then mouthed to her, "Funcione, Eva!" and pointed to the north, to the distant pole with the American flag waving lazily from it.

Eva didn't hesitate. She bolted.

Wow. Look. No aliens involved O.o
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