To welcome in another year, and in a blatant ripoff the spirit of "150 Things I am Not Allowed to Do at Hogwarts," an Animorphs-specific list. Feel free to add your own. :)
I will not ring Chapman's doorbell and run away.
I will not refer to Visser Three and Visser One as Pinky and the Brain.
I will not e-mail copies of The Evil Overlord List to Visser Three.
There is no Synchronized Swim Day at the Yeerk Pool.
And I am not authorized to organize one.
I will not tell Ax that BDSM is a secret human battle tactic.
Or tell him to "go ask Cassie."
No government on Earth has a Ministry of Silly Walks.
And I am not its leader.
And I am not allowed to have any contact whatsoever with visiting Andalite dignitaries.
I am not the walrus, even if I morph one.
Chuck Norris is not my battle morph.
I will not lock Jake and Marco in a closet to "see what happens."
Morphing does not require an activation phrase.
And it is not "Moon Prism Power."
And I will stop telling new recruits that it is.
I will not try to convince Toby to set up a psychic hotline.
Yelling "Rat!" during a meeting is not funny.
I will not challenge Marco to a "your momma" contest.
Visser Three is not feeling super, and he will not thank me for asking.
A Sario Rip occurring does not mean there is a glitch in the Matrix.
Reenacting scenes from Disney films is a misuse of the morphing ability.