so once again I've gotta write a paper for class and once again I picked feminism as my topic. (Sorta. we had to pick 3 topics and my professor chose which one I'll write about
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If you haven't already, definitely google "Bechdel Test" or "Mo Movie Measure." It's extremely telling when you apply it to, say, Pixar's body of work. To date, only 2 of Pixar's 11 feature films pass the Bechdel Test, and of the two (The Incredibles and Cars), one of them (Cars) barely passes by including only one single line spoken between two female characters about something other than the male hero.
Good blog posts about feminism and animation: (I think they have an "animation" tag or category, but right now I can't find it.)
Comments 3
Good blog posts about feminism and animation: (I think they have an "animation" tag or category, but right now I can't find it.)
Even the TV Tropes page on "The Girl" or "Action Girl" should have some good stuff.
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