[Round 02] Sign Up Post / Official Participant List

Oct 15, 2007 18:28

Some of you have been waiting a long time for this - hopefully this round runs smoother and doesn't drag on so long :D

If you would like to sign up for Anime LIMS: Round 02, please comment to this post with your username. All participants will be listed here as they sign up.

The first challenge will go up FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, if we have at least 30 sign-ups; otherwise, sign-ups will go on for another week before the round starts. SIGN-UPS ARE NOW CLOSED. If you missed this round, fear not, there's always Round 03! Also, please remember to join and watch the community if you sign-up - watching > joining - we don't want you to miss reminders!

There are currently 23 participants left in the competition, as of Round 02: Challenge 4. Participants marked with an asterisk have used their skip.

01. faintscribbles
02. wingweaver22
03. x_yazoo_x*
04. kaneha
05. homeless_chan*
06. kirikaito
07. saluchna*
08. adventsamurai
09. saiita
10. erendisblack*
11. my_graphx
12. victorisham*
13. wolf_crossbreed*
14. undini*
15. melie*
16. mad_tenshi*
17. missmorrichan
18. dragon_gypsy
19. neteszti
20. yulah
21. dragonsquee*
22. carmineador
23. sin_alchemy*
24. musogato*
25. stuffedpanda
26. carupico
27. rockingwitch
28. kerilu
29. telrunya
30. almateria*
31. templated
32. chaakura*
33. sky_sugar*
34. minako_nine*
35. amber_km
36. dagas_isa
37. orlandogirl
38. casper_san
39. alvanista
40. fightingcomet
41. 07_cents
42. niyin
43. sangomeister
44. shiina_nozumo
45. suidorime*
46. kumagorou_beam*
47. moonnkeh
48. blackrose_023*
49. summerxmist*
50. nyaa
51. berrichino
52. automode
53. warwolves
54. technological*
55. caesyrian
56. tokyonoir
57. indeliblemark*
58. teila
59. crown_celestial
60. akivaria_chan
61. strawberrychan
62. haleysings*
63. chiisana_sora*
64. ririkit
65. allsunday*
66. oulan*

We will reply to your comment when you've been added.

round 02, sign ups

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