So what did you think?

Mar 16, 2005 00:59

I know not everyone who belongs to this community is on staff. Whether you are or not, I'd like to know what you thought. Did you have a good time? What went well? What was good? What do we need more of? Feel free to express yourselves, please.

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Comments 18

danae March 16 2005, 16:21:24 UTC
I think that a lot of con-goers were happy with the experience. I think we definitely need more staff members and some people were spread out too thinly because they didn't have the extra staff. I think we got lucky that more things didn't go wrong. But overall I think the convention was good.



wombat_socho March 17 2005, 01:18:47 UTC
I think so too, and I'm probably just obsessing on the negative parts because I'm tired and prone to doing that sort of thing anyway.


revolutionaryjo March 16 2005, 19:07:07 UTC
Overall I have a really positive feeling about how everything went. Maybe I'll think of some more constructive feedback when I have the opportunity though.


wombat_socho March 17 2005, 01:19:37 UTC
I'm especially interested in hearing how the panels went, because as you know I never made it to any. Continuing my streak into Year 3...


revolutionaryjo March 17 2005, 03:16:41 UTC
I think my favorite was the jrock panel that jariten and mrinx ran. Then again I think they're both awesome and they give me lots of new music all the time anyway.

My panels went very well I think. With the exception of the one on villains because some dimwit decided to hold a conversation with himself through most of it and I was too tired to jump over the table and lay the smackdown. Other than that the fanfic panel was awesome, Anna and I kicked some metacommentary ass. The Utena panel was full of good discussion again as usual. The Gankutsuou panel was sparsely populated due to the time slot opposite the masq, but fun.


wombat_socho March 17 2005, 12:28:30 UTC
So we got lots of people going to the panels (except for Gankutsuou)? Great! The nightmare of doing the programming solo was that I had no real feel for what people wanted to see and what they didn't, and I had this lurking fear that nobody was going to show up for half the panels.


tatsmaru March 16 2005, 23:01:57 UTC
drunkenplower needs to get out and mingle at convention more, demand less work for her! she didnt know who chris was the photo on my LJ poor J :(

more staff. much much more staff... especially volunteer dept staff. make the new tech guys get GFs to put on vol-staff


wombat_socho March 17 2005, 01:21:31 UTC
Well, next year she hands Registration off to con_dar so all she'll have left to do is sit around, write checks, and occasionally go shopping in between bank runs. ^^

Yeah, we need to recruit more staff. Where are the legions of otaku from MAS?


revolutionaryjo March 17 2005, 03:24:47 UTC
o_O How many more of us do you want?


wombat_socho March 17 2005, 12:29:05 UTC
All I can get, baby. ~_^


acdragonmaster March 17 2005, 03:48:18 UTC
I could be mean and just link my massive con report and make you wade through that for my opinions, but I don't feel quite that sadistic. ;p

I personally had a great time, as did everyone that I've spoken with since the con. I think I've had more to write about in a con report than I usually do, I guess helping out with the behind the scenes stuff makes for more interesting commentary than wandering the dealers room and sitting and watching anime and cosplay. :p Though I did end up crashing and sleeping for 14 hours straight (I normally sleep about 7 before I start to wake up) after the con but hey, it was all good. I'd say next year mostly just do more of the same and do it better, there really aren't any glaring areas I can think of to improve on.


wombat_socho March 17 2005, 12:40:47 UTC
I could be mean and just link my massive con report and make you wade through that for my opinions, but I don't feel quite that sadistic. ;p

Well, being an old-school SF fan, I like to read things besides subtitles. ^^

Yes, being involved in the greasy organizational stuff definitely gives you a different perspective on how things are going, while screwing you out of most of the fun stuff...ah well, at least I got to see most of the AMV contest and hang out with the guests this year, which was a 5000% improvement over last Anime Detour when I was basically a prisoner of Registration and Operations.

More and better seems to be the order of the day. A few people over on were a little crabby about the hotel layout, but that doesn't seem to have been a major concern (he said hopefully) and the hotel staff has some suggestions for us that should improve the T-Bird Experience for everyone next year.


acdragonmaster March 18 2005, 01:08:38 UTC
Oh, my con report's sitting in my journal, for anyone who cares to wade through it.

I personally had a great time with the stuff I helped out with. For me most that I do during a convention is cosplay, check out the dealers room, and hang our with friends/any other cool people I run into. The only event I've regularly attended at any con is the cosplay contest. Video rooms I kinda shrug at because I get my fix of 8 hours of anime weekly at club up at college, and DDR and console gaming always has nice lines to deal with. So maybe I'm weird, but I thought running around helping with stuff was fun.


wombat_socho March 18 2005, 20:43:44 UTC
I'm glad to hear that - we certainly need more people who are into the greasy organizational stuff to keep this crudely fashioned machine we call Anime Detour clanking along.


willow_one March 17 2005, 05:19:21 UTC
Everything generally went well, and I felt good until I realized that through a greivous error, I am never going to see my graphing calculator or my CD wallet again. *cries*

So yeah, I had a pretty darn good time up until the point I unpacked and realized they were gone.


wombat_socho March 17 2005, 12:30:20 UTC
I think we can do something about that.


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