New challenge for this week is:
Provided Textures
Your icon must feature one of the below textures in any way, shape or form. The texture(s) used must be recognisable.
yunhe, and
innocent_lexys, respectively.
Submission format:
Samurai Champloo Da Rules:
• You must be signed up for Round 4.
• You may submit only ONE icon.
• Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 & <40KB)
• Icons must be made strictly for this challenge and kept anonymous.
• Submit with both url and image in one entry.
• Animation is not allowed.
• Please note, you don't have to submit, but you won't gain a participation point.
• You will be disqualified if you do not submit 3 challenges in a row.
• Icons are due by Saturday, April 2nd, 11:59 PM, EST.
Now go, go, go!! And voting for Challenge 04 will remain open until tomorrow morning ish. Vote