Comm Contest <3

Mar 26, 2009 15:49

So, we mods have decided to hold a comm contest =3

You will get various icons from me, chase_chan! I will only make still icons, for I have not quite gotten .gif/movable icons down yet. ^^;

There may be more prizes added later, so look out! <3

**For the winners (if you have a request for a character/pik for your icons, let me know when you win):
1st place will receive 5 icons and blinkies
2nd place will receive 3 icons and blinkies
3rd place will receive 1 icon and blinkie

(P2B for blinkies requests or you may tell me what you like and I shall hunt down pixels for you. Icons as well.)

Please invite people to the community, and have them tell me who they were sent by. Thanks for your cooperation and have a nice day =D

No one yet T-T

!contest, !mod: chase, !chase, !promotion, !mod post

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