Hey look, it's time for that game that frequently makes references to naked people! BUT NOT THIS WEEK, because I'm mixing my speeches up a little :'D
A buddy of mine loves to cosplay and he's pretty serious about it. He stumbled upon this image somewhere in the depths of the internet and knew he wanted to cosplay it! However...he has no idea who the character is and refuses to cosplay anything if he can't get in-character and adopt all the quirky little character flaws personality traits.
I suppose I could do the research myself, but I'd prefer to bribe y'all instead. If you can give me the name of this character you'll earn yourself two random cards and one bronze choice certificate!
This round ends on Sunday, November 18th~ This round is now closed!
Aaaand last week's answer will be posted a little later. I'm giving my previous rounds a few more hours so that you can get all your answers in. (Because gmail says people are still replying \o/) Last week's answer was Misuzu Kamio from AIR!