Community Announcement

Feb 26, 2006 23:24

Hello. As you all may have noticed we have recently added a special category to all your voting. In case you missed it, we did this because of the increase in entries. We thank you by giving you another chance to place~!

The special category will consist of:

Color :: color manipulation, adjustments, etc or the lack of it

Caption :: is what's written on the icon and has nothing to do with the font style. When voting for captions you should consider the effect the text has in relation with the icon. Do they fit together? And how well does it fit with the theme.

Typography :: is the look and feel of the text/font. This is completely different from voting for caption.

Space :: the use of space in the icon. The placement of the image and text to use the icon space completely and in an appealing matter.

Emotion :: this would be the icons that grabs at your heart with all the emotional turmoil.

Cropping :: the most appealing cropping of an icon. Like icons that cut off half of the character's face and still look amazingly beautiful.

Original Design :: template design that grabs your attention and stands out among the rest.

Most Creative :: maybe this one is open to interpretation on your part. A creative icon would be one with an original design and something else that gives it that creative flare, whether it's animation or a creative way to interpret the theme.

Best Interpretation :: The icon that regardless of pretty much anything else manages to portray the true essence of the theme.

Note, that each mod will have her own way of picking a special category each week. So special categories will be random and maybe even repeated. We will not notify you which the special will be to avoid icons aiming for it.

Well, I think that's it. ^___^ If you have any questions about any of this voting standards leave a comment and we'll be glad to help clear things up.
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