✗ Week 066: Submissions

Jan 13, 2011 07:38

New themes for the year~ I really hope we can get lots of submissions for this week y/y? :D

General Theme

"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-- Howard Thurman

You must use at least three consecutive words from the quotation for this theme~

Image Theme

Clockwise: Fukuda Shinta, Aoki Ko, Nakai Takuro, Takagi Akito, and Mashiro Moritaka from Bakuman

Lyrical Theme

My Best Theory by by Jimmy Eat World

It's been a long time, so long
There's only one life I know
But I have my own mind
I'll say so if it seems right
Rush out
I see your warm face with the soft mouth
But it speaks something else
I'll take my chances with the cast down
We can feel the air

Rush out, out from the center
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me

We can feel, we can feel the air
Rush out
So many questions
And the answers come back unanswered
Let's hope the old script gets a new twist
You can feel the air

Rush out, out from the center
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me

In a lonely, real place
Neither plan nor mistake
Love what you have with your time
By dowsing, find my true design
My flag, my appetite?
I feel the air

Rush out, out from the center
Not like one side is any better
Stand up and escape and breach it
My best theory is already in me
Rush out, out from the center
Not like one side is any better
Stand up as they bend reaching
My best theory is already in me
Lyrics taken from here.

✗ You are allowed THREE (3) submissions per week to this post.
✗ All icons must feature text; tiny text is allowed on ONE submission per week. Lyrics theme must include THREE CONSECUTIVE LYRICS (words) in the icon. If you use tiny text, please include what the lyrics are.
✗ When submitting, use the following format:

✗ Do not publicly post your icon(s) until after the week's winners have been posted.
✗ If you have any questions, comment to this post.
✗ Have a suggestion for a theme? Post them here.

The deadline for submissions is Sunday, January 16th.

Also, we could use some more votes for Week 065 here before I can announce winners, so please do vote if you haven't~ ;)


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066, submissions

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