Blood + Kink Meme

Sep 13, 2008 07:27

So. Not sure how many people this will attract, but eh. Might as well give it a go.

I just started up a second Blood + Kink Meme, and so far, we're only up to 23 comments. LET'S MAKE THAT NUMBER GO UP, KAY? *pimppimppimp*

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Comments 6

renjiluvah September 15 2008, 18:50:06 UTC
Ooh that looked like fun so I wrote something for one of the requests. Of course, you can figure out which one is me since I'm SO predictable with which pairing I like. ;-)

I shall post it on my LJ too, just in case there are thieves. :D


anime_angel_ash September 20 2008, 16:40:10 UTC

I wrote one, myself. Guess which. :D


renjiluvah October 13 2008, 05:12:00 UTC
OH shame on me for replying to this like 2 months later! Anyway, I'm guessing HagixNathan? O_o Maybe?

For the sake of my tender head that this plot bunny is kicking right now, can you help me out with something? You know in the end of the anime, when Haji has the dramatic "Nankurenasai" before the ceiling collapses on him and Ashmel, doesn't he get his arm ripped off? He does, right? Do you remember which one? O_o


anime_angel_ash October 13 2008, 10:13:11 UTC
Not quite. It was definitely a Nathan fic, though (and by now I've written a second one, involving everyone's favorite psychopath!).

Also, you're in luck! I just finished rewatching the anime (and bawled like a bitch the whole time, gawd). He does, in fact, get one of his arms ripped off, but it was more like it got blown off, really. This time it was the left one.


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