My Blood + rants. Let me show you them.

Jun 15, 2008 11:09

So, I'm currently rewatching Blood +, since my first go-through was pretty sporatic and didn't include all of the episodes, and not all in order. I took a bit of a hiatus from watching for a while, then came back to it last night and watched episodes 18-21. I have to say, you know it's gotten bad (or good, maybe), when it becomes physically painful ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

miiko_ashida June 24 2008, 21:40:09 UTC

(But I <3 you)

Also, Lower Body-Only Crushing is WHUT!LOL. ^_^U (...except...not. Poor Haji. ;_;)


twisted_clarity June 26 2008, 22:02:54 UTC
I felt the same way you did the entire time I was watching.
I was like, could some body at least try to include Hagi in something!


renjiluvah August 6 2008, 05:19:17 UTC
LMAO! When I watched the anime, me and my bf always used to shout "Oh look, they're beating up Haji again cuz that's what this anime does is beat the f*ck out of Haji for no reason!" and then we'd watch and feel his pain like "Oh, oww! He didn't deserve that, OMG poor Haji!" I think the animators got a kick out of it. And as for his appreciation kiss, she could have at least given him some tongue with that too. What kind of kiss was that? I mean, it was sweet, but one that should have come to make up for all those beatings he took and all the selfless-ness, nope. Not good enough for the poor Chevalier.

Now I feel guilty. I picked on him in my last oneshot and I promised fans to write the next one to make it up to him. This is justice Haji! I shall make it up to you!

And it's okay. I need to get out more too. Did you ever read City of the Night Walkers? You'll REALLY feel bad for Haji if you read it.


anime_angel_ash August 6 2008, 05:33:59 UTC
OH YES, SO TRUE. It just got worse with the episodes I saw right after that, too. I felt like I wanted to die after really seeing how broken he was when Saya didn't remember him, and I actually screamed when Karl held him down and impaled him on the Red Shield ship. But now I'm getting around to the later episodes (OMG 40. NOT ONLY DID SHE APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THIS BULLSHIT, SHE THANKED HIM! AND HE WAS SMILING AND OMG THAT'S PROBABLY THE MOST ACTION HE'S GOTTEN IN DECADES), I'm really starting to see good things happening to him, so I've breathed a sigh of relief ( ... )


renjiluvah August 6 2008, 17:48:57 UTC
One thing I learned is- never listen to other fans. I'm serious. I was hearing that City of the Night Walkers was yaoi, and yes, the artist that did the manga piece is usually a yoi artist, but this was not yaoi at all. That's why I went and read it for myself and I wouldn't lie to you since I'm a strict hetero fan. As for that snippet of the guy shoving the blood down Haji's throat, well, what did ppl expect him to do? Haji was beat the f*ck up, and too weak and the guy happened to have blood on his hand and Haji was being stubborn so he was like hey take it you idiot! And that taste alone finally forced Haji to drink it because the guy told him if he died here, he'd never find Saya.

OH! Of course I know where to find it.

Download hereBut you have to make an account. It's free and I just made one to get this, so what the heck lol, why not? Haji is just beautiful in it too ( ... )


anime_angel_ash August 6 2008, 19:02:54 UTC

Oh my Gawd sweet! Thank you so much! Now I just have to find the translation for Russian Rose and I'll be peachy keen!

I did see the part right after when Haji gets his big wide eyes and basically attacks the guy, and I couldn't help but feel bad for...well, both of them. It's okay, Haji! You'll do better next time! And uh, other guy? You might want to get that looked at.

I think if I were Haji and Saya said OMG I'll do anything to make up for all the torture I put you through, I'd get kind of evil.

HE'S THINKING IT, I'M SURE. But being him, he's too much of a gentleman to actually say anything. I figure Saya would have to jump his bones herself (or, like I wrote in that oneshot, suggest strongly that she wanted sex, so he'd follow through).

Be a little nice to your servant Saya. Guess she learned after that...sort of.

By the end of it all, anyway. It only took her a hundred plus years to get it right, but she finally learned to appreciate him as much as he deserved. No more, "Do ( ... )


Woops renjiluvah August 6 2008, 05:25:19 UTC
Woops! You did read it. (I missed the supplementary material part lol)

And yes, the poor guy starves himself out of fear and shame because of Saya, mentally tortures himself and like you said, gets his arm hacked off. What's there to be ashamed of? She was afraid of you at first too wasn't she and I think just about anyone would be a little afraid after getting their arm hacked off by their master? Haji! You are so loyal and selfless it makes me want to cry- but that's why everyone loves him. :3


Re: Woops anime_angel_ash August 6 2008, 05:40:55 UTC

Also, to top off the whole Vietnam thing? Not only did Saya forget him, not only did he get his arm cut off, not only was he torn away from the only thing in his life that mattered, but in his mind? He probably thinks it was his fault that she ended up that way, because it was his blood that they injected into her that made her crazy. With a guilt complex and undying love like he already had? That's mindblowing how bad that must have been.

Sad little note? Looking at episodes that show their previous selves (episode 17, in Russia, namely), he was so much more affectionate and touchy-feely and even smiley (for him, anyway). Vietnam must have REALLY fucked him up.



Re: Woops renjiluvah August 6 2008, 17:53:41 UTC
Poor guy. He probably did think it was his fault, but at the same time, Saya regretted making him a Chevalier and well- killing him the first place. "Hey Haji get me that flower on that nice dangerous death trap cliff bitch!" and the guy fell and died. Gee. Was she surprised? Was he supposed to survive that? Be a little nice to your servant Saya. Guess she learned after that...sort of.

And it's true. I like Haji in Russia. He even teases her and when she wakes up from the nightmare, tries to comfort her and what does she do? PUSH HIM AWAY AND SCREAM AT HIM! What did he do? It's not HIS fault! Sometimes I wish Haji could have smacked her when she really needed a smack. Hmm. That makes me want to write that too. XD The first time Haji says "Stop with the bullshit!" and smacks the crap out of her!

I just came from outside. It's TOO HOT! So I'm fine in my nice air conditioned room. :3


<3 anonymous August 23 2009, 06:29:53 UTC
Oh my how right you are, poor Haji its hard to watch him go through so much, and swear to Saya that he doesn't regret being turned into basicly her bitch for the rest of pretty much forever. With being impaled all the time, and now I am sure he is missing an arm after Amshel decided to blow it off at the end and he took a wing from haji too, that's some crap so not only does he go through never ending pain he has to miss body parts while doing so. We can only hope that after all this that he can find happiness with Saya maybe some incest babies too ? Imagination time its up to the fanfiction writters or maybe Blood+ creaters will come to the rescue with an OVA.<3


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