A quick note: I was previously stamped in January of 2007 and I noticed that the questions had changed for this bit, and as I've always had a complex for animated heroes, I'd like to re-take it, with these more heroic questions. Thanks. If this isn't allowed, please inform me.
Name: Amanda
Age: 23
Previous Stamps: Alice (Milo in my earlier hero stamp; I can be re-stamped the same; I'm doing this for the newer questions)
1. What would be your ideal adventure?: Something exciting and unexpecting; perferably unusual and completely unplanned with close friends. Maybe some strange animals or exotic locations or mysterious city no one's ever heard of. Basically something fun, thrilling, different, and completely unexpected (something I could never imagine myself).
2. Do you enjoy travel, or are you a homebody?: I'm a bit of both; I've traveled a lot in my life, so I usually find something to enjoy about traveling. On the other hand, I enjoy having a settled life now as I'm older. When I was younger (early to late teens), I liked traveling a lot more, just for the sake of seeing new things. Now I'd still love the lure of new sights, but I feel I can find new sights (i.e. adventures) without traveling as far as I did when I was younger. That is, I feel I can stay close to home and see the same cultural and unexpected sights that one can get from traveling. Also, I've become more interested in traveling around my own country instead of going to Europe or other places, though that has begun to shift recently. I guess I flucuate -- I like traveling, but I like to have a home to stay if I'm not in a traveling mood, as there's only a few places I actually want to visit. I guess, really there aren't many places I distinctly want to travel, but I wouldn't be adverse to travel as long as I know I had a home to return to.
3. What skills would you use to rescue a damsel in distress?: my intellect, stubborness, and good way with words (hopefully I can talk my way around the rescue somehow)
4. Are you happiest in the royal court, in the greater city, in the country, or on the move?: Probably somewhere between the greater city and the country; I like to have the beauty and natural setting of nature (and the animals) but I've never lived completely in the country so I can't say whether I could live in it without a few conviences from a city/urban setting (movie theators, internet, tv, restaurants, bookstores, libraries). But I will say I would be the unhappiest in a royal court, if that is at all useful.
5. What are some trials you've successfully overcome in your life?: Honestly, I'm told the fact I survived the first couples months of life is amazing, since I was born three months prematurely with various problems. Nowadays, you'd never know; I'm as ordinary as anyone (as ordinary as anyone's individual personality can be anyway). That is, I don't have any outstanding medical problems because of it. But the fact of my premature birth that has always stuck with me (as I don't remember a lot of the needles, surgieries, et. al) is how my mom always tells me that even though I was the tiniest little baby (I weighed 2 pounds at birth) it took 3-some nurses to hold me down to get an IV or other such needle-type thing in me. Despite my size, I wouldn't passively put up with them; it always seemed to evoke this sense that I wouldn't give up, even if I can't reacll it. Despite my aversion to pain and fear of dentist tools (it's the laying on your back as they poke around in your mouth with sharp objects with bright lights...ugh), I find I still have a strong impulse to survive and endure whatever the world throws at me. If this goes back to being a baby, so be it; if not, it's just a personality trait. Also, my twin sister was premature too and I've always had this feeling that one of the reasons I was such a "fighter" as my mom says, was because I couldn't leave my twin.
6. What mythical monster would you most like to defeat (slay or tame, it's your call)?: A dragon, a roc, or a thunderbird, all in the context of "taming" in but really more in a befriending kind of way because I love dragons, I have always felt rocs were one of the most original and distinct creatures (and because of a certain "Aladdin" episode), and because I feel a thunderbird would be interesting to know. In terms of slaying a mythic monster, I'd go with the hydra or a two-headed cyclops because I keep imagining myself taking out a multi-headed creature.
7. Are you a seeker of truth, or do you tend to accept the world as it is?: I'm definately a seeker of truth, in whatever form it takes. Over the last year or so, I've come to feel that truth is less about Truth and more about truth of the feelings and perceptions. I have a harder time imagining that there is an absolute truth when there are so many different cultural beliefs, myths, stories and ways of viewing/thinking/interepting the world. I can't deny that I know very little about truth, though I try to be aware (in a distinctly conscious way) of the environment, my surroundings, others around me, and others' feelings. I use to be quite determined to learn "it all" when I was a teenager but thankfully I grew out of the horrid desire to actually know the "why" and answer to reality, and now settle for by thrilled by the mysterious unknown wonder of life and the marvelous "why" stories and possibilites one can weave from the vast range of life around the world.
8. What is your favourite field of study?: Philosophy
9. Are you a team player or more of a loner?: I'm more of a loner though I enjoy being around a few people I am close to. As much as I act like a loner sometimes, I acknowledge that living creatures (humans mostly) need to get together, communicate, listen, and have dialouges with one another some changes to be made. At least I feel it is an encouraging step toward change.
10. What animal would you compare yourself to?: I've always had difficulty to this question, but I think it would be a skunk. After a short deliberation, I've decided it fits nicely precisely because 1. skunks are very cute with lovely colorful in my opinion, meaning that there is a friendliness to them that is often overlooked because of their reputation of being "smelly" or an intellectual loner in my case; 2. they are very specific in how they warn their "victims" prior to spraying; while I don't always warn before I spray people with my temper, I do try to be aware of my own steps prior to spraying so that I can grow as a person, and 3. skunks have always resonated deeply for me. They are one of those misunderstood animals (like spiders, wolves, bats...). While I'm not exactly misunderstood, I do have a soft spot for animals that are; I have a desire to make people as aware as well as I can through writing of these misconceptions, have them look through new eyes to ways they may not have imagined before to expand what may be possible for them (including the animals).
11. Pictures (optional):