1. Name: Catherine
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 24 =P
3. Location: San Francisco
4. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: kind, generous, sympathetic
5. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: unstable, uncommunicative, restless
6. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: England. Many of my favorite books take place there. or Japan (manga ^_^).
7. Describe your relationship with love: My experience with love so far has been painful.
8. Favourite three books: Lord of the Rings, Tithe trilogy, Stranger in a Strange Land
9. Favourite three movies (excluding animated films): Star Wars series, Breakfast at Tiffany's,The Dark Knight
10. What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: Miss because it sounds proper and genteel, Meowsville because its about cool cats
11. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be?: I would be someone else. Does that count?
12. Why do you love animated movies? I love animated movies because they usually have magic and other things that are unreal but we can all relate to them anyway.
13. Anything else we should know?: I go to art school and work in a coffee shop. And I secretly believe in magic.
14. Pictures or description of yourself: I'm really tall (5'10) and thin.
(Blonde me)
15. Please provide the links to at least three votes you've cast on other applications: