Les Miz: Going to go see Les Miz tonight with Jon, Christin, Steve and Susan. HECK YEAH! I love living in Columbus.
Battle LA: is the most boring movie ever. Seriously. We saw it last week with Kim and Travis and...yeah. Not worth it. Even the things that were sort of cool about it they didn't carry though on.
BalletMet Up Close: The BalletMet spring show was very awesome. There were four pieces and I liked them all, even "The Man in Black" which I hated
the first time I saw it. The first two pieces, however, were spectacular. The first one was called "Watercolor" and was by Jimmy Orrante (my favorite company member) with music by Gabe Smith (another company member) and it was all about a single drop of water. It was gorgeous. The second was called "Portinari" and was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. It is named after the man who painted the two murals at the UN building and died of lead poisoning shortly thereafter, and is a duet between the painter and his creation. Again, spectacular is the only word I have to describe it...and I don't even like ballet all that much. So yeah.
Chrestomanci: I read the Chronicles of Chrestomanci, which I borrowed from a friend. I liked them a lot. However, because I read The Lives of Christopher Chant before Charmed Life, I really thought of Christopher as the protagonist, and was saddened that the books really weren't about him. And I really really liked the whole thing with the Silver. But I think I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.
The Glory That Was: I also just read The Glory That Was by L. Sprague de Camp. It's a science fiction book about Ancient Greece in the 27th Century. While being in no way, shape, or form like Illium. It was lots of good fun! There was Sokrates, and he was hilarious (as he ought to be) - but for me the most fun was the English rendering of learning Ancient Greek (and getting all the forms wrong). I think I need to read more L. Sprague de Camp. And I'm planning on starting with Lest Darkness Fall - about a man who gets stuck in the sixth century and decides to prevent the fall of Rome. It sounds awesome.
Doctor Who: When did it end up with an overwhelmingly female audience? Maybe it was when they started casting sexier people as the Doctor than as his companions. *grumblegrumblegrumble* In other news, "Warrior's Gate" still makes no freakin sense. And I already miss Romana and K-9. Poor old K-9 - he takes an awful lot of abuse in that episode. Talk about Kick the Dog.
St. Patrick's Day: Was great fun! We made two pies, and a corned beef, and lots of potatoes, cabbages, and carrots. And surprisingly good Soda Bread! The main stress was having no kind of idea who was planning on coming ahead of time (there was a lot of back and forth) and the people who did turn up were all pretty late, but it was all good. And cabbage is delicious! Also, pie. And we played Apples To Apples, during which we determined that Genetic Engineering was Healthy and Mars was Fake, and eventually threw people out around midnight. All in all, a success!
Origins: Joel-Henry and I signed up to work the CABS Game Library at Origins - which means we get in to the convention and the CABS board room free for the weekend. Gamers ahoy!
Sewing Machine: I finally got my sewing machine up and running! Now I just need to learn to sew...
Garden: The weather has been gorgeous, so we've been getting the garden in order. We finally got all the leaves up (gah), and we planted carrots and parsnips and lettuce and swiss chard in the planters. Joel-Henry rigged up some mesh coverings to keep the squirrels out too. My oregano and thyme are still alive - the parsley didn't make it through the winter and the sage is looking really bad, so we'll see if it makes it. So today we went to the nursery and bought more parsley, rosemary, and mint. We stuck the mint in a corner of the yard where hopefully it will take over and become some kind of mint monster abomination. We've cleared the garden area, but we need to work the soil a bit and take out as many of the big roots as we can. Then we're going to plant seed onions, the broccoli seedlings that we bought today, and summer squashes by seed - zucchini and patty-pan. We want to put beans and snow peas along the fences, and we'll put in tomatos and peppers once they come into season (still too early for them). We want to buy some blackberry bushes too, but the nursery only had thornless, which is no good. But we've got a ton and a half of seeds, and planted five pots of basil, so we should have herbs in abundance by the time spring really gets underway. I'm just excited because my bulbs are starting to push up. This week it's supposed to storm, so hopefully everyone will get the thorough watering they need to germinate, and not freeze to death. Remember, the Equinox is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
I think that's everything going on with me recently - be happy all!