Name: Marcy
Please post the links to four applications you've voted on here recently:
1 2 3 4If you were cosplaying, would you feel comfortable cosplaying as a character of the opposite gender or would it not really matter to you either way?:
Well, actually many characters that I would love to cosplay are men, but its near impossible for me. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever be able to bind my chest enough to pull off a male T_T
Are there any past stamps you've received at
animangamirror that you would like not to have considered here for the sake of variety? If so, please list them: Mellisa Mao [Regular Theme] while I do like her, just don't vote her for the sake of variety. :]
Also, no Orihime Inoue (Bleach) if it isn't too much to ask? I've already cosplayed her irl, and there is a good chance I may end up cosplaying who I get voted as. Thanks! XD
Are there any clothing styles you probably wouldn't feel comfortable even cosplaying in?:
Nah, it's all good. Free game! While I typically wouldn't wear something as revealing as
young Yoko, I would consider it for cosplay, and
starboob Yoko is something I'd be comfortable with. So I don't mind revealing so long as the character isn't.. skanky in it? If that makes sense XD