Right Place, Right Time - Part 1

Jul 16, 2008 13:31

Julio:   Come on, Deki, we gotta go! *honks horn*

Deki:   All right, I’m coming!

J:         Your hair looks fine! Let’s go, we’re late!

D:        *gets in the car* Let’s go! *pats Julio’s thigh*

Santi: [from the back seat] Oh, my phone’s ringing…it’s Javi. He probably wants to know why we’re not there yet.

J:         Well, don’t tell him-

S:         *picks up* Hello, Javi! We’re almost there…yeah.

J:         *starts the car*

S:         No, of course we’re out of the house! Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon…OK, I’ll tell him. Bye.

J:         *looks at Santi in rearview mirror* Was he mad?

S:         Well, *shrugs* And Deki, he told me to tell you to wear your seatbelt.

D:        I’m already wearing it!

S:         It doesn’t count if you just put one arm through the belt!

J:         *serious tone* Yeah, it’s not a purse!

D:        *mumbles under his breath and fastens seatbelt* There, you happy? *crosses arms*

S:         *pats Deki’s shoulder* At least you’re sitting in front!

D:         *arms loosen, suppresses a smile*

J:          You can feel my bicep if you want *glances at Deki*

S:         *rolls eyes*

D:         *breaks into a grin* You know me too well, Julio! *punches his shoulder and take him up on his offer*

Two minutes later…

S:         Turn here, Julio!

J:          Will you let go of my arm, Deki?

D:         *looks up* You said I could touch it!

J:          ‘Touch it’, not ‘take it into custody’!

S:         *Suppresses his laugh*

[They arrive at their event, meet Javi and the rest of the team, and sit down inside]

In the middle of a presentation…

Julio:     *whispers as he passes by people* Excuse me, sorry…pardon me…coming through…

[Deki is in the aisle seat]

Deki:    Where are you off to?

Several people: SHHH!

D:         *whispers*  Sorry! *turns to Julio* Where?

J:          *w* I don’t know, maybe bathroom…I need a break.

D:         *w* Do you want company? *starts to get up*

J:          *w* No, that’s OK. *walks out*

D:         *turns and looks back at him* *turns around when the door has closed behind him* *sighs of boredom*

A minute later…

D:         *gets up*

Santi [next to him]: *w* Where are you going?

D:         *w*  Bathroom. I’ll be right back. *walks up the aisle and out the door*

In the Lobby…

D:         *loosens his tie and exhales*

[A hand on his shoulder makes him jump]

J:          You got out, too?

D:         *sigh of relief* Oh, it’s you. I thought it was Santi or Javi.

J:          Let’s get away from the door. It’s not safe here.

[They walk to a corner and lean on the wall next to a Janitor’s closet]

J:          I feel bad for everyone still in there. Maybe I should have helped someone else escape too…

D:         *grabs onto Julio’s shoulders and looks him in the eyes* Don’t be silly, you couldn’t have helped anyone without getting caught yourself! You can help them more out here.

J:          But how?  I’m only- *spots something* Oh, crap, it’s Javi! Quick, hide!!

D:         Where?

J:          In here, in here! *opens closet door and they throw themselves in* *shuts the door*

[They are face-to-face and out of breath]

J:          Man, this closet is really small…

D:         *grins* I know! *gasps suddenly* I can hear him calling us! *pulls Julio close* Protect me.

J:          *rolls eyes*It’s all right, Deki, I think he’s gone *pats his back*

D:         *looks up at Julio, then plants a kiss on his neck*

J:          Deki…

D:         *continues, not wanting to miss a spot* Yeees?

J:          Don’t…*looks up at ceiling*

D:         Fine, I won’t kiss your neck! *brings Julio’s head down and kisses him on the lips*

J:          *lets out a small moan*

D:         *whisper* You liked that, huh?

J:          *swallows* Don’t do that again, you’re gonna make them discover us!

D:         But it’ll be worth it *squeezes Julio’s butt*

J:          *grunts* But I’d rather not get caught, thank you very much * removes Deki’s hand with his own hand*

D:         *thinks for a second* What if we go somewhere quieter?

J:          Where?

D:         *grins*
Next time: What could Deki possibly have in mind? How will they explain their absence to the rest of the team?

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.inter, *fic: place

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