
May 11, 2010 04:06

Hello, long time no post! I've been around, just not very vocal. I did the "I'm just gonna ignore the world" thing when Bill died, like I do. And I wanted to thank everyone who commented and sent condolences when I posted about him. You're wonderful, and I love each and every one of you ( Read more... )

me, art, life

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Comments 5

aelfsiden May 11 2010, 08:55:03 UTC
Hai, sweetie! Same with me, just so much going on that I haven't been seen too much. It's good to see you getting back into art and it's awesome that you've claimed two big bangs. I can't wait to see what you come up with. :)

I'm also glad to hear that the removal of your gallbladder helped you feel better!

BTW, I just friended you over on DA so I could get updates. I hope you don't mind. I'm fairly new there - I'd been browsing for ages but I created an account when I found some gorgeous things and wanted to be able to collect them.



tabaqui May 11 2010, 17:28:27 UTC
Hey, hi!
Glad to see you back around!

And yay for no more gallbladder! I suspect my own is the source of many problems.


write_light May 16 2010, 06:20:20 UTC
Hello! It's so good to see you around! <3 Congrats on being gallbladder-free; that you feel better is the best news in a while.

I can't wait to see what you come up with for BB!


peppervl June 8 2010, 21:20:29 UTC
Hey! I don't know if you've gotten my emails or not, but I've been trying to touch base with you about posting for Big Bang, since our posting date is Thursday. I'm working on final edits and coding now, so I'll be ready to go in two days (*gulps*).

Hope to hear from you soon!


thismaz October 3 2010, 08:15:31 UTC
I hope you are still feeling better, physically and emotionally and that life has calmed down a bit for you. I popped by in the hope that it would not be out of place to wish you a very



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