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Comments 29

aurora_84 March 3 2013, 15:12:46 UTC

It's sad that LJ has been so dead lately. :(

Tumblr seems cool but I'm afraid that if I join, it'll consume me and I won't have any time left for silly things such as, um, sleep. But I do check in on a few flisters from time to time. And your tumblr thought/tags on, for instance, PoI are great. :DD


angstbunny March 4 2013, 08:57:49 UTC

Yeah, there's been a lot of migration going on, and unlike the last few fandom jumps, it seems a lot more scattered this time around. Nothing really decisive seems to have taken place, which sucks. Some people are still here, some have straddling here and social media, others are exclusively social media. IDK IDK. I really miss LJ. :(

Tumblr is a total time suck. @__________@ It's all shiny pictures and hypnotizing gifsets.

Aww thanks. Be sure to let me know if you do succumb and join Tumblr lol. :D


aurora_84 March 24 2013, 02:29:14 UTC
and unlike the last few fandom jumps, it seems a lot more scattered this time around
Yes. I'm sad everyone is all over the place. Come back in one place and share the fandom joy, dammit!

Be sure to let me know if you do succumb and join Tumblr lol. :D
Will do. :D And you should let me know if you get a twitter cause it seems I've been spending most of my (fannish) time there.


idleleaves March 3 2013, 19:32:17 UTC
I really do miss Livejournal. Tumblr is honestly a very poor substitute. I kinda hate LJ as a business though.

THIS times ten million. I don't mind Tumblr, but it's damn near impossible to carry on conversations. -_-


angstbunny March 4 2013, 08:58:06 UTC
RITE? It's like, hat's going on guys?


sasha_b March 4 2013, 00:53:31 UTC
HIIIIIIII long time no see. *hugs*


angstbunny March 4 2013, 08:58:22 UTC
HUGS! HAI!!! How are you?


pyroyale March 4 2013, 09:48:34 UTC
As much as I love to abuse gifs, I can't cope with Tumblr.

Wrestling = quicksand (I feel we've had this discussion before...XD)

Punk says hi!

... )


angstbunny March 4 2013, 12:27:33 UTC
LOL, we've had this discussion many times. It's how wrestling rolls.


It's so weird to fangirl him so hard right now. It's always been this steady thrum of "yeah I like him" with occasional moments of "teehee XD" but now it's like this high pitched psycho level of fangirl. IDEK.


one_more_cherry March 4 2013, 11:57:44 UTC



angstbunny March 4 2013, 12:28:18 UTC

>.< Yeah I know. I still hate the fuck out of the biz.


one_more_cherry March 4 2013, 12:31:14 UTC
BEEN THERE man. Yet there's AJ awesoming everywhere and so I can't turn away.


angstbunny March 4 2013, 12:33:53 UTC
Oh lord, it's such a comedy when I look at the Punk tag on Tumblr, and people talk about him and AJ. The default AJ in my head is always AJ Styles, so when people talk about Punk and AJ getting together or ship them hardcore, I always have to pause and realize they're not talking about Punk and Styles.


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