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angstbunny October 30 2009, 21:59:37 UTC
Fiennes is treading dangerously close to Ethan Hawke territory. :/// But I like him sometimes. Or maybe I WANT to like him. Much like how I wanted to like Ethan Hawke and Christian Bale for a long time.

It's weird, how much Mark and Olivia ping really high on "this is boring white middle class emo" meter. I say weird because it's not like I haven't enjoyed that at times. Patrick Jane embodies the problematic white manpain with fridged wife and daughter. Hell, I'm a fan of the whole subgenre. I watch Supernatural. But something about Mark and Olivia bores me. Maybe it's context? I don't know. Potential future adultery seems like a really fucking lame thing to worry about when there's SO MUCH batshit going on in that universe. There are better things to dramatize. Considering how epic and global this event is, the actual scope of the show has been ridiculously narrow.


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angstbunny October 30 2009, 22:29:24 UTC

LOLOL YES. Oh my god, I can't believe I keep forgetting to show that to you. I KNEW I'd forgotten something. But YES, I heard, and I LOL and LOL. It's about time.


kuteki October 30 2009, 21:49:35 UTC
it ought to be an OT3, because Kelly Kopowski deserves hot sexing, too.

I agree so very much with this. And it is objectively speaking very slashy, but I liked it more due to Matt Bomer's hotassedness and the fact that it is pretty good. Also really fun to watch.

Heroes I watch purely for the lulz. And Pasdar.

Me too, I want Nathan to come back. :(

As for Flashforward, I have only seen the first five eps as well and I think it's okay, but it frustrates me how little happens in each episode. But Demetri is fantastic, he better not die. I would also be really pissed off if they kill Janis off the second they show that she is gay, there is really no need for another dead lesbian...


angstbunny October 30 2009, 22:05:49 UTC
Both male leads are SO my type, it's ridiculous.


YES, there is a LOT of dragging. I mean, I don't find it boring, but so little actually happens and so little actually gets accomplished. But I do kinda enjoy it, mostly because, yeah, Demetri is fantastic. HE BETTER NOT DIE. AGREED. Courtney B. Vance is also RIDICULOUSLY awesome (Wennick? Boss guy). He used to be on Law & Order: Criminal Intent and gah, he was so amazing there.

I FREAKED when Janis got shot. I was like OH HELLS NO. I was damn upset at the thought of Yet Another Dead Lesbian. I'm really hoping she lives. But god, I worry that she might die just to make the point that the future can indeed be changed. Though, then again, she might become a plot point where it's like: she could've died, but didn't. So does that mean the future really is set in stone. I DON'T KNOW.


kuteki October 30 2009, 22:25:02 UTC
Second ep airs tonight, you'll have two to watch over the weekend, exciting! :D

Wennick is cool and I also like Olivia's assistant, the guy that didn't kill himself, and I want to like Jack Davenport's character, because I love him, but so far he leaves me a bit cold. Neither of them will die, because they both rock, and also surely they know that killing the Asian and the lesbian is BAD. I think they still want to leave it ambiguous about the future, answering it either way will take a lot of the tension away.


angstbunny October 30 2009, 22:31:37 UTC
Oh sweet! Thanks for the heads up.

The guy who didn't kill himself annoys me. :( He's, like, way too euphoric. I don't know. Kinda rubs me the wrong way. I want to like Jack Davenport, too, but so far he's way too ambiguous, yeah. And I guess they seem to be implying that he's a villain in disguise, so I don't know.

surely they know that killing the Asian and the lesbian is BAD

YOU'D THINK. But I don't trust TV. Feh.

I think they still want to leave it ambiguous about the future, answering it either way will take a lot of the tension away.

Hm. Good point. Either way, I WANT JANIS TO LIVE PLZ.


aurora_84 October 30 2009, 21:58:17 UTC
YES. That WC picture made me go 'oh.' And then download the pilot. OT3 FTW.

Whooo blink!!

I think he does about as good a job as he can with the character, but the character is like omg shut up about your emo problems already, I don't care. He's being a douche, and not the likeable sort.
Agreed. I can't produce any sympathy for him whatsoever.

And the fact that John Cho's all sexyhot with Gabrielle Union? Holy fuck an Asian guy with a black chick? F:SJFLSK:JFKL:SJFKL:DSFJLSKFJS


angstbunny October 30 2009, 22:12:18 UTC
Blink blink blink!

I really hate the fact that Olivia was honest with him but he didn't breathe a word about his flashforward. Yeah yeah, he's worried that it'll break them up, but it's not like Olivia didn't have the same burden. Now she's all feeling awful and guilty, but he's just wallowing, and it's like omg puh-leeze. I also don't give a crap about Aaron, his AA sponsor. -_______- BUT, I do find it amusing that his daughter is Ruby. Haha.

I loveloveloveLOVE Demetri and Zoey. I really wanna know what's up with her flash. Did she ASSUME the dude is Demetri? Because it does seem like she's far enough away that she assumes the guy at the altar is Demetri when it maybe isn't, but at the same time, uh. I can't buy that she'd marry some other Asian guy in April 2010 if Demetri was is will be murdered just a month earlier. Gargh, tense.


aurora_84 October 30 2009, 22:24:11 UTC
I heart it so.

I really hate the fact that Olivia was honest with him but he didn't breathe a word about his flashforward.
YES. This is when I started disliking him. Stop being such a prick, Mark! (I'm meh about Aaron too. He's just...there.)

I have no idea what was going on with Zoey's flash. :( I do know that Demetri has to live, dammit. (Btw, someone on fforward_tv noted that the day Demetri is supposed to get killed - March 15 - is the Ides of March. Which I found pretty amusing, sort of.)


angstbunny October 30 2009, 22:33:30 UTC

This is when I started disliking him

Uh huh. I was ready to like him and sympathize with him, but the continual lying. Feh. But I did like the way the scene played out between him and Wennick, when Mark just YELLED it out.



foolish_m0rtal October 30 2009, 23:13:27 UTC
yeah, I was watching the promos for White Collar, and it was like o_O "This is such total foe-yay. I wonder if they realize how incredibly slashy this is..."

New NCIS? Really? Haven't seen it yet.

Oh, I thought you meant Janis from Heroes, haha.


angstbunny October 31 2009, 04:56:28 UTC
Foe-yay! I LIKE THAT.

There's a spin-off to NCIS, yeah! Set in L.A., and starring, yeah, LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnell. I don't know NCIS well, but I have seen enough that I think I can say resolutely that the new show is completely different from the parent. For some, this is fab; for others, this is a fault. Since I dislike NCIS, this is a good thing for me. :D

Janis from Heroes isn't even worth mentioning. *facepalm* And I like Lisa Lackey.


foolish_m0rtal October 31 2009, 05:36:26 UTC
Hey hey, foe-yay is a legitimate term...on tv tropes...

My suite and I watch NCIS original, but they've been going off and watching the new one without me. T_T

Janis from Heroes can be...aggravating.


angstbunny October 31 2009, 05:40:27 UTC
I know HoYay, but I haven't seen foe-yay before. DON'T MENTION TV TROPES. I DON'T HAVE 2394782934 HOURS TO SINK INTO IT.

Come watch the new one! BASK IN THE GAY.

And yet she's not as bad as a lot of characters on that show, ha.


mswyrr October 31 2009, 00:31:21 UTC
That image is REALLY SLASHY, but the Pilot? Hm. There was a moment at the end that jumped out at me, and a scene in a car, but... the leads didn't have as much chemistry as I expected. Possibly because the female characters weren't as terribly written and one note as I expected, so having the FBI dude actually interact meaningfully with his wife and Bomer's character [SPOILERING SPOILER] a woman, my generally het favoring eyes were perhaps drawn away from slashy subtext.

It's really very fun, though. And can be read from a slash pov.


angstbunny October 31 2009, 04:58:50 UTC
I am intrigued and happy to hear that Kelly Kopowski isn't one-note, because that tends to be the case, and then I'll get angry at the fandom when she is inevitably villainized or totally swept aside, but then again, I'm sure it will happen ANYWAY.


I hope OT3 dominates whatever fandom this show spawns though, because chicks deserve hot sex, too.


mswyrr October 31 2009, 05:00:57 UTC
...I could totally get behind an OT3.

Because the woman Bomer's character [spoilerspoilerspoiler] isn't that engaging, imo. And the three of them have a good dynamic. And the somewhat slashy car scene is partially about the wife! In fact, a really cool dynamic could be set up between them that..


Happy thoughts. :)


angstbunny October 31 2009, 05:41:20 UTC
My solution for love triangles is always OT3. EVERYBODY WINS!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I really really have to watch, so I can form an actual opinion on this show. :D


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