Bingo: Border

Sep 18, 2013 11:07

Author: zeezeemagee
Card: Mr. Card
Fandom(s): Leverage
Angst: voyeurism, don't ask, don't tell, caught in the act, lies, stroke/heart attack, arguments/fighting, broken bones, shot down, bullet wounds, embarrassment, fatalism, pneumonia, hypothermia, supernatural: creatures, missing persons, hatred

Title: Moreau 1
Prompt: voyeurism
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/ pairings Moreau/Sophie, Nate/Sophie,
Medium: fic
Rating: T for Teen (word use mostly)
Warnings: non-canon pairing, say naked and sex, elude to more.
Summary: Eliot Spencer decides to follow Sophie on one of her missions. What he discovers will tear the team apart.

Title: Moreau 2
Prompt: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: implied cheating, p.o.v. of person being cheated on
Summary: Nate knows Eliot knows, but he just can't bring himself to ask if his wife is really cheating.

Title: Moreau 3
Prompt: lies
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie, Moreau/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: break-up, broken hearts
Summary: Nate finally decides to comment on the lies. Sophie just wishes he'd stop.

Title: Moreau 4
Prompt: caught in the act
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Moreau/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Hint of bad things to come, menacing hanging up of phone
Summary: It's the middle of the night and Sophie needs to make a phone call, apparently Moreau does too.

Title: Moreau 5
Prompt: Hatred
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Hardison/Parker, background Nate/Sophie, Moreau/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: violent flinging of stuff that was once on the table, orange soda death
Summary: Hardison is not a fan of anybody at the moment, especially Sophie Devereaux.

Title: Moreau 6
Prompt: Missing Persons
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- background Nate/Sophie, Moreau/Sophie, Hardison/Parker
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: some attempted murder, choking (a lot of choking,) pressure on neck choking, threat via taser
Summary: Tara Cole has some news for what's left of the Leverage Team. They do not accept this easily.

Title: Moreau 7
Prompt: Fatalism
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Moreau/Sophie, background Nate/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: some violence, negotiations, cuffs, simple manipulation of one's feelings
Summary: Sophie Devereaux has always known her fate was to live in a life of greed and power.

Title: Moreau 8
Prompt: Embarrassment
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Moreau/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: gun, gun-like threatening,
Summary: Damien Moreau is not used to be embarrassed so easily, but Sophie Devereaux can make fools out of kings.

Title: Moreau 9
Prompt: Arguing/Fighting
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Hardison/Parker
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Male on Female violence, and vice versa
Summary: Hardison and Parker have finally decided to end their fighting once and for all, with a fight to end all fights.

Title: Moreau 10
Prompt: Broken Bones
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Moreau/Sophie, background Nate/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Male on female violence, power struggle,
Summary: A few broken bones is what she deserves, a broken heart is too difficult to fix.

Title: Moreau 11
Prompt: Bullet Wounds
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie, Moreau/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Somebody gets shot, somebody attempts to shoot somebody else, that somebody doesn't miss-sort of
Summary: Nate's going to end this battle once and for all, but only if Sophie moves out of the damn way.

Title: Moreau 12
Prompt: Stroke/Heart attack
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Moreau/Sophie, Nate/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: character(s) death, gun threatening
Summary: Damien Moreau does not like losing, at all.

Title: Moreau 13
Prompt: Hypthermia
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Hospital jargen of the death kind, cardiac arrest, induced hypothermia
Summary: Induced hypothermia follows a cardiac arrest to buy time during surgery, not boding well for the Leverage Team's grifter.

Title: Moreau 14
Prompt: Pneumonia
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie, background Hardison/Parker
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Lung machine in use, predictions of death, possibility of turning of the machines
Summary: Pneumonia always follows hypothermia, why would being in a hospital make any difference?

Title: Moreau 15
Prompt: Supernatural: Creatures
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie, One-sided Moreau/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: vampire, vampiric blood drinking, blood, vampire vs. lycanthrope fighting, beheading
Summary: On Sophie's wedding day a vampire decides to show up and fight her werelion fiance to the death, joy.

Title: Moreau Finale
Prompt: Shot Down
Fandom/Pairing: Leverage- Nate/Sophie
Medium: fic
Rating: T
Warnings: broken bones and stuff, foreplay
Summary: Sophie wants Nate, Nate wants Sophie but those orders from the doctor were very serious about no happy-fun-times!

prompt: missing persons, prompt: hypothermia, bingo: border, prompt: stroke/heart attack, prompt: don't ask don't tell, prompt: embarrassment, prompt: caught in the act, prompt: supernatural - creatures, prompt: arguments/fighting, prompt: fatalism, prompt: lies, prompt: hatred, prompt: broken bones, prompt: voyeurism, prompt: shot down, prompt: bullet wounds, prompt: pneumonia

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