BINGO- Horizontal Line

Jul 08, 2012 12:53

Author dmk0064/winterstar
Fandom White Collar
Card My Card
Angst Scars, Major Illness, Zombie, Loss, Lies

Title: Impressions
Prompt: Scars
Fandom: White Collar
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Warning: Blood, pain, vague sexual references
Summary: AU-Neal has a taboo affliction which will change his relationship with Peter forever.

Title: Time in the Bat Cave
Prompt: Major illness
Fandom: White Collar
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG13
Warning: MAJOR illness with threat of death, angst
Summary: Neal contracts a serious disease, Peter waits.

Title: Tainted
Prompt: Zombie
Fandom: White Collar
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG13
Warning: zombies, canine’s attack, sexual references, blood, goo
Summary: When zombie!Satchmo attacks, who will save them?

Title: A Beautiful Ache
Prompt: Loss
Fandom: White Collar
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG13
Warning: car accident, slash, OT3 pairing, vomiting
Summary: Peter and Neal are hit by a car at an outdoor café, Neal suffers a loss.

Title: A Beautiful Utterance
Prompt: Lies
Fandom: White Collar
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG13
Warning: serious injury, OT3, slash, jaw pain
Summary: Neal recovers from a serious accident but cannot accept his place with Peter and Elizabeth. He lies to find a way out.

prompt: loss, prompt: lies, prompt: major illness, prompt: scars, medium: fanfiction, rating: adults only, bingo: straight line, prompt: zombie, rating: teen, rating: mature

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