Bingo: Straight Line

Apr 30, 2012 23:58

Author: telaryn

Fandoms: Leverage, Supernatural

Card: Here.

Angst: Just this once, craving, schizophrenia, failure, broken bones

Title: A Calculated Risk

Prompt: Just this once

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/Supernatural, Ellen/Eliot, Nate

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Mild spoilers for SPN S2 finale.

Summary: When a job takes them through Nebraska, Nate suggests that Eliot look in on Ellen.

Title: Touch

Prompt: Craving

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/Supernatural; Ellen/Eliot, OMC

Medium: Fic

Rating: Light NC-17

Warnings: None

Summary: Trying to move on with her life, Ellen looks for ways to fill the holes in her life left by Eliot's departure.

Title: No Choice

Prompt: Schizophrenia

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/Supernatural; Ellen/Eliot

Medium: Fic

Rating: R

Warnings: None

Summary: A mentally ill young man comes into the Roadhouse one night. When the voices in his head convince him to attack one of the Roadhouse waitresses, Ellen is forced to intervene with tragic consequences.

Title: Salted & Burned

Prompt: Failure

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/Supernatural; Ellen/Eliot

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None

Summary: Eliot gets the full story on what happened to Ellen and the crew at the Roadhouse, and is forced to question his decision to leave.

Title: Prioritizing

Prompt: Broken Bones

Fandom/Pairing: Leverage/Supernatural; Ellen/Eliot

Medium: Fic

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None

Summary: Ellen is injured on a demon hunt. When Sam and Dean rescue her, she's forced to remind them that she's still a force to be reckoned with.

round: 3, medium: fanfiction, prompt: plane crash, prompt: craving, prompt: recovery, rating: all ages, rating: mature, prompt: failure, prompt: just this once, prompt: schizophrenia, prompt: roofied, prompt: broken bones, amnesty, prompt: poisoning, rating: adults only, bingo: straight line, rating: teen

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