Title: North Pole Magic
angryzenFandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Greta/Klaus
Timeline: A year after Greta ran off with Klaus and two years before the sacrifice in season 2.
Summary: Greta experiences her first Winter Solstice away from her family and with Klaus.
This fic is a gift fo
razycrandomgirl. Happy Valentine's Day, Cana! I present you with a super
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Comments 6
Klaus made her dream of the North pole.
Glad I'm not the only one who things this would work.
Also this is subtly sexy. I love it and Thank you so very much Alta.
*cuddles the story and you*
Vampires being able to get into witches' dreams has been my head!canon since Bonnie tried to kill Damon in season 2. I wanted so bad for him to retaliate by giving her horrific nightmares. I'm talking stuff that would keep her awake at night and disturb her sleep patterns. She'd eventually figure out it was him, and they'd go from there. I didn't expect the writers to totally drop Damon reacting to Bonnie almost killing him. Ugh.
I know you had something similar with the crystal ball and Bonnie spying on him. *wiggles eyebrows*
Can you tell I like these themes! =)
Lmao, yeah I can.
I should keep that in mind the next time I write you a Klaus/Greta fic, lol.
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